Chapter 29-Emily

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"He came to your house Emily and took you to see your mom and you're still convinced that he doesn't like you? Where was Luke during all of this? He's a nice guy but c'mon Emily you are supposed to be the smart one." I rolled my eyes at Sophia I can't believe she's at it again

"Okay first of all Luke didn't know what happened to my mom-" "And neither did Liam but he up and left in the middle of school just to come and see you. The bells should be ringing in your head!" Sophia interrupted me

"When was the last time you actually talked to Luke? Like actually talked where you two hung out together?" I thought about it "If you have to think this long you should realize its been long enough."

"He hangs out with his friends and I hang out with mine. Oh but of course it's required by law that couples have to be together every hour of everyday." I stated sarcastically

"I never said that but let me ask you this, why haven't you met Luke's friends? You've met Liam's but not Luke's." She's seriously pissing me off.

"I've met Luke's friends before I just never told you considering it's not a big deal. Have you forgotten I was already friends with one of Liam's friends? You're friends with Justin too for crying out loud! Not my fault that when Liam and I hangout Chris and Justin are there."

Zero points for Sophia and one point for me.

"True but that still doesn't ignore the fact that you hang out with a guy that potentially has a crush on you more than your own boyfriend."

I groaned putting my arm over my eyes, she's right but I'm not gonna do something drastic just cause of that "I'm not breaking up with him if that's what you're implying." I peeked at her through my shielded eyes

Sophia shook her head "I would never say that nor imply it. I'm just saying you and Liam have some issues and feelings to work out and it's not right for Luke to get stuck in the middle and feel left out. Let's face it, you and Liam have grown closer and Luke and you are drifting apart."

What issues and feelings? Liam and I don't have issues and feelings to work out he's one of best friends. "Shut up Sophia." I mumbled getting annoyed at what she was saying. "So you're saying you don't get that certain feeling when you're with Liam?" I glared at her if I just tell her maybe she'll shut up.

"When I'm around Liam my heart flutters at just his smile and when he looks at me I feel like I'm on cloud nine." I smiled at her, I couldn't help it but then it soon turned into a frown "But I shouldn't feel that way I'm with Luke and I-I'm happy with him. Can we please not talk about this? I just want to get some Wendy's and stuff my face with french fries, a burger and a milkshake."

Sophia got off my bed "I just wanted you to admit your feelings. So yes we can go."

After getting dressed Sophia and I headed to Wendy's.

"You never tell me about you and Andrew, all you care about is me and my problems." I said as I dipped my fry into my milkshake.

"It's cause your problems are more interesting than Andrew and I. We do normal couple things like hang out and text, say cute things to each other, he buys me food. That sort of thing." she said before sipping her soda

"But you and Luke? Yeah you guys act like long distance couples that barely see each other and talk or text on the phone when you can, you barely spend time with each other it's like you two don't live in the same state." I rolled my eyes.

"I thought we weren't gonna speak about that anymore." I said as I pushed my glasses up and tightened my ponytail "Fine. I'll stop mentioning it."

Looking around the Wendy's I saw it was all that busy, there was only a couple teenagers, a few couples and the workers that were chatting about. "Are you finished?" I asked Sophia as I got up to throw my trash away, "Yeah I'm coming just let me use the bathroom real fast." she said as she slid out of the red booths.

I walked over to the trash can and as I was throwing my trash away I heard familiar laughter, I quickly through away the trash then put the tray onto the other trays that were on top of the trash. Turning around I stayed at the trash and scanned over the place with my eyes looking for the person.

There he was with a bunch of his friends laughing, and joking around. He looks so happy the way his eyes shined. I caught myself smiling at him my stomach erupted with butterflies my palms got sweaty and I just felt happier. Before I knew it I was walking over to him with a smile still on my face when I was close enough he looked my way and his eyes brightened up even more and he smiled wider if that's even possible.

"Ah there's my girl." my heart skipped a beat as he mentioned me to his friends in that way. 'His Girl' how adorable.

"Hi guys. Hey Luke." I said putting my arms behind my back and rocking on my heels. Luke gestured me over to him so I sat on his lap, he wrapped his arms around my waist on instinct I leaned back into him.

"So Emily how are things?" One of Luke's friends questioned as he stared at me "Oh things are fine I'm just here with my friend. We were just about to leave though, she's in the bathroom I'm just waiting for her......." I trailed off.

We all talked for a while before I said I needed to go and I walked back to the table I was at to grab my milkshake.

"Alright I'm done let's go." Sophia said as she walked out of the bathroom. "I saw into Luke back there." I told her once we were a few blocks away from Wendy's. I didn't look at her as I said it I was just watching the world go past me so fast. After a while I looked at her.

"And?" "We talked for awhile and then I left. He was with friends." I explained looking at her but her eyes remained on the road.

"I wanna say something I do, but I promised myself I wouldn't meddle for the rest of the day." She shrugged before turning on some music.

'Because you know I'm all about that bass

Bout that bass, no tremble'

Me and Sophia looked at each other and smiled "IM ALL ABOUT THAT BASS BOUT THAT BASS NO TREMBLE." We hate this song but it's so catchy we can't help but sing along.

It actually released some of the tension that I just realized was there. We sang our awful voices out as loud as we can, some cars beeped at us and at red lights people looked at us strangely but we didn't care. After the song was over we started laughing for a few minutes.

"My birthday is next Friday can you believe it? I'm gonna be eighteen." I said softly "Which reminds me which college are you going to?" Sophia asked

"I haven't decided yet but I either wanna go overseas or New York. I've applied to those kinds of colleges, and I wanna do something with my art since you know I can draw." I told her then asked her the same question. She told me she wanted to stay here or overseas like me, we applied to some of the same colleges and colleges near each other though so we can be near each other.

I whipped out my phone when it made the notification noise. It was a text from Liam asking where I was. Replying back I told him I was on my way home and that I was with Sophia. He said he's waiting at my house and to hurry.

"Can you speed up a little?" I put my phone back in my pocket and drunk some of my milkshake "No I'm going the speed limit."

I rolled my eyes "Alright goody two toes." "It's goody two shoes dumbass." she laughed "Whatever you're just jealous of this beauty." I said, and she laughed again

"Donkeys are beautiful I guess." she replied I gasped and stayed quiet since I couldn't think of a good comeback.

"Look we are at your house and there's Liam." Sophia said as she pulled the keys out of ther ignition. I got out the car and gripped my cup at the sight in front of me.

There was Liam but he wasn't alone he was with a girl and they were kissing-no sucking each others faces off.

"If you grip your cup any tighter you're gonna reveal your jealousy." Sophia whispered to me "I'm not jealous." I hissed.

Walking over to them I cleared my throat once they pulled away Liam smiled at me "Hey Emily and Sophia, this is Heaven."


oooh Liam has a new girlfriend didn't see that one coming did ya?

Oh.... you did? well pretend you didn't!

Anyways please comment, vote and ily pups

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