Chapter 39- Liam

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I sat on my bed in utter silence as I watched Emily leave my room and heard her leave my house. Just when things were okay this happens, my stupid cousin is back and he's starting trouble like always. I shook my head and changed outfits before leaving to Justin's house. Justin had this plan that as soon as he turned eighteen he would up and leave his parents house and live on his own. So I had to drive to his new place, getting lost a few times.

His place looks amazing...well it's an apartment technically but it looks great considering he works part-time at Starbucks "So you like it?" Justin asked after he finished giving me tour around the house. I nodded my head as I raided his fridge. I grabbed a drink and looked at Justin "You need food."

"Why? Restaurants deliver for a reason Li."

Not having the energy to debate with him I shrugged my shoulders and sat on his clearly obvious used blue couch sensing my attitude Justin became serious and looked at me with worry.

Answering his unasked question I said "Mark's back." he understood completely since I talked about Mark before. "Just ignore him Liam don't let that dick ruin your summer." he comforted patting my back.

"I wouldn't care but I found out him and Emily dated and I think he still likes her Justin" I clenched the can of soda in my hand tightly "and you should have heard what he was saying about her. It fucking pissed me off."

Justin was silent for a while, probably not sure on how to respond and to be honest I don't blame him if it were him in my position I wouldn't know how to respond either. He reassured me that if Mark every tried anything it wouldn't be pretty which made me laugh considering Justin is as a scary as a kitten and his threat didn't sound remotely scary.

"So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know. What do you want to do?"

"I don't know it's your house."

"You're a guest."

"It's your house."

Justin turned on his TV and I went on my phone and we spent the rest of the evening like that.


I glared at Mark's sleeping face wanting to smack him, he's sleeping in my room for his stay and I trip over him almost all the time, just like now. He could at least go in a corner and not lay in the center of the fucking room.

I got dressed and drove to Emily's place, we still haven't talked about the issue at hand with her and Mark. I beeped the horn when I arrived and soon she came out with James holding her hand a joyful yet satisfied smile on his face.

"Hey guy and gal." I greeted before giving Emily a questioning look "He wanted to come." she shrugged before instructing him to put on his seat belt before putting on her own seat belt.

"You do know Florida is hours away right?" I reminded her and she once again shrugged her shoulders and kissed me on the cheek.

I have to go to Florida because I wanted to see the campus and whatnot and Emily asked if she could come with so we are driving to Florida and possibly making some stops because road trip plus food equals happiness.

I started to drive and it was kind of silent. It may be me being paranoid but Emily is acting cold towards me which should be the other way around since I have a right to be pissed and she doesn't.

"Is something wrong?" I asked quickly glancing at her and she shook her head and continued to stare out the passenger window.

Clearly something is wrong and she's really bad at masking her feelings. We were on the highway so I couldn't just pull over and talk to to her but I didn't want the whole journey to be this way, knowing something was bothering her and she's not telling me about it. After three hours of nothing but utter silence from Emily and nonstop rambling from James I pulled into the McDonald's parking lot.

Emily finally looked at me but with a look of curiosity "What are we doing here?" she questioned but I said nothing and got out of the car going to get James. "Liam? Why are we stopping at McDonald's?"

"Oh so now you want to talk?" I snapped making her roll her eyes "Geez Liam you're acting so childish. Maybe I just don't want to talk!" she raised her voice in the nearly empty parking lot.

"Right. That'd be something new." I stated making her jaw drop "What is your problem?"

"My problem? What's your problem? You ask to come on this small trip with me and then you're all cold and distant!"

"Why did I even agree to come along on this damn trip." she muttered to herself once she noticed people looking.

Emily grabbed James and head inside, me following in behind her, entering the fast food restaurant with James holding Emily's hand, he looked at her silently before seeing the play place in the store

"Can I go in there?" he asked with excitement jumping in place and she nodded my head which was enough confirmation for him.

As we waited in line I let my hand brush against Emily's still wanting to be close to her.

"What do you want?" I quietly asked her staring directly at the menu she told me and I ordered our orders, I waited by the order station while Emily went to get James so they can use the bathroom. Once I got our food I waited for Emily in the car.

During the drive James was asleep in his little car seat and the radio was playing quietly to get rid of the silence.

"We have to talk about this at some point." she pointed out and I shrugged my shoulders "Why? You clearly have a problem with me and don't want to be here anymore."

Emily gave an annoyed sigh "Honestly Liam you overreact over the littlest things. Just because I don't feel like talking it doesn't mean anything."

At the red light I gave her my attention "Alright let's talk about the fact that Mark still has feelings for you, do you still like him?"

She scoffed "I think I was thirteen at the time! Do you still like you're eighth grade crush?" I started to drive again and my expression softened as I thought about my eighth grade crush, this isn't really helping her case I thought to myself as I nodded my head

"I do Emily. I love you very much."

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