Chapter 10-Liam

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"Liam that's not what happened at all." Emily told me after I confessed, is she really telling me I'm wrong? I know why I disliked her for five years. She doesn't even say sorry all she says is that's not what happened. I don't know what I was expecting her to say but I know it wasn't that.

"I'm sorry but did you just tell me I'm wrong?" I questioned her making sure I heard her right, she nodded her head "Yeah that's not what happened." She told me before looking at James playing on her phone.

She's serious? "Then what happened?" I scoffed before she could tell me Cindy came back, why does she always come back when one of us has something important to say! She looked at me when she bended over the table to put the food down and her boobs were practically in my face. She is seriously getting on my nerves and by the looks of it she's also getting on Emily's nerves

"So Liam how is your GIRLFRIEND Sarah doing?" Emily said and glanced at Cindy "My GIRLFRIEND is doing alright thanks for asking." Cindy got the message and left without another word. Emily took her phone from James "Em Em I was about to beat my highscore." James whined

"You have to eat buddy." She said before stealing one of his fries, he smack her hand "Bad Em Em those are my fries." James scolded her which was so adorable since he pronounced fries like the was a w in it. "Sorry." She said looking down and I just smiled she is too cute. Emily looked up after that and took a bite out of her sandwich,

"So what really happened then?" I asked her she swallowed her food

"Well you got some of it right with you going over to the cool kids. But your reasoning is all wrong, I don't know how you came up with that assumption but no I didn't ditch you, in fact you ditched me."

Wait what?

I put my elbows on the table and leaned closer to her while squinting my eyes before saying in a low mysterious voice "Go on." she was fighting a smile but I was serious.


it was in sixth grade and I remember sitting at a lunch table with a sandwich made by my mom, and I had it stashed away in comic book words such as KAPOW! and all that lunch box, I waited fifteen minutes for you to show up but you never did and I just assumed it was because you did something in one of the few classes we didn't have together. When I was about to get up and look for you I heard laughing and there I saw you sitting next to all the cool kids, you guys was laughing it up as if you didn't have a care in the world. And me being the bestest friend ever decided to leave you alone because even if I didn't like it I knew you needed friends besides me.

Two kids a boy and a girl came up to me and they said something like 'I'm and Sophia and this is Andrew' and how they thought I looked lonely. Weeks later I became closer with them and distant with you and you even told me that the sleepovers we had were 'lame now so I should grow up' so I let it be, of course I lied to your mother when she questioned about why I wasn't hanging with you anymore because I didn't want you to get in trouble. I guess you thought I was ditching you when you saw me with Sophia and Andrew or whatever."

When she finished I didn't say anything, I mean how could I? How does someone reply to something like that. Before I can say something Emily looked at her phone before muttering the word shoot and doing that signal to call for the check. Before she pulled out some money,

"Uh two questions. What are you doing and why do you think I'm gonna let you pay?" "I'm paying for me and James' food gosh Liam I knew you wasn't so bright but I didn't think this much, and I'm leaving cause I have to do homework and James needs to be at home not at this place where the waitress doesn't care if there are children around and flashes her boobs to every hot boy around. If I don't pay it's gonna seem like a date." She told me like it was the most obvious thing in the world I rolled my eyes

"The last time I checked a date doesn't involve adding a five year old. Who does homework nowadays?" I questioned her "People who want to get into a good college and people who don't want to be saying 'you want keptchup for your fries?' for the rest of there life." she sassed while crossing her arms "And Luke needs help with homework so he's coming over." She said


Why would he need help with homework? He's a straight A student and he might be- no correction he is smarter than Emily. He's probably just using that as an excuse to see Emily. Technically he's lying to her and lying is not great in a relationship. Hasn't his parents taught him that honesty is the best policy? Trust is best in a relationship. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket so I pulled it out

From Sarah boo:

hey babe :) wat u doin?

To Sarah boo:

just chillin at home being bored as hell

What? Don't look at me like that. Alright Alright I may be jealous at the moment but I can't help it. I'm done denying it I'm jealous. Even though I was mad at Emily for five years I know that she is still awesome and who wouldn't be jealous? To be completly honest I didn't tell Emily the whole other reason why I was mad at her, but if I did she probably wouldn't talk to me, maybe someday I can tell her that-

"Liam. Liiiiiaaaamm. Liam. LIAM JOSEPH COLLINS!!" I was snapped out of my thoughts and saw alot of people looking over here and when I turned to Emily she had her hands cupped around her mouth and she was standing while leaning over the table staring at me, "W-what Emily." I asked with wide eyes still shocked and honestly my heart was racing because she scared the hell out of me.

"I'm leaving now." She stated before walking away with James not even saying goodbye.


I paid for my half and got up and left. Of course I left a tip.

"Mom I'm home." I called as I slammed the door shut and locked it. She still must be out working. I went upstairs to my room and kicked off my shoes and literally dived onto my bed.

I plugged my phone into my charger before going into the bathroom to shower. I got undressed and stepped in.

When I got out I drew on the steamed up mirror before wiping it off so I can dry off and get dressed. I put on my boxers of course then I put on some basketball shorts. I didn't put on a shirt cause well I didn't feel like it.

I started texting Justin while heading downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat. First thing I saw? Was gummie bears so I grabbed those and went back upstairs.

I went back on my bed and thought about what happened today while eating gummie bears.

Holy shit.

I just thought of something.

Where the waitress doesn't care if there are children around and flashes her boobs to every hot guy around.

Cindy practically flashed her boobs to me.

That must mean Emily basically called me hot.

I felt a smirk come upon my face. I knew she thinks I'm hot. She must want all of this.

(A/N) Hey hey people :) what do you think Liam had to say? oooohhh anyways don't forget to comment and vote.

I'm sleepy now k bye for now sorry for any misspellings and grammer errors!

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