Chapter 28- Liam

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Today, it just feels like everyone is sad. You know that feeling? Like when you have to start school on Monday or when you know it's gonna rain. It just seems dreary and depressing.

I don't understand why, it's Friday! People should be happy that they leave this place for forty-eight hours. It's not only that but I haven't seen Emily today and that worried me. Sophia seemed upset also and so did Andrew, Jonathan and Justin.

"Do you know what's going on?" Luke asked me I inwardly groaned why is he talking to me? "No I don't sorry." I replied walking away.

Walking up to Justin I asked "What's up with you guys? You all seem upset and it's weird." he looked at me before sighing and leaning his head on a random locker, is he being dramatic again or what?

"I'll let Emily tell you. It's not my place to tell you anyway." he smiled sadly before walking away.

Well damn I'm just gonna go to her house now. It's not like I'm missing anything important. Only math class, and history, and a bunch of other stuff. I left school easily and made my way to Emily's house. I had a key to her house so I just walked in and up to her room.

As I was about to open the door I heard her speak. "How did you and mom meet?" She asked her dad I'm assuming, her voice held grief and that's when I remembered her mom died. It must be the day. I decided to listen in.

"I was working at some pizza place and your mom called and once she told me what she wanted she told me she loved me. It was actually really funny cause out of instinct I told her I loved her too, I remember I told her that she wasn't gonna get the pizza for free just because we confessed our love for each other." he stopped and chuckled "I wanted to give her the pizza myself and when I first saw Louise I thought she was the most beautiful woman on earth, even with her hair looking all crazy and she was in her bugs bunny pj's."

That was so romantic. "I miss her so much." Emily sobbed, I walked into the room "Hey Emily." I said softly scaring them

"I have to go check on James." her dad William said before giving us our space. I walked up to her and she sat up from her laying position, I sat next to her "Is this what you meant yesterday?" she nodded her head as she tried wiping tears away but more kept coming.

"I'm so sorry Emily." I rubbed back, I'm not good at consoling people I just feel awkard cause I don't know what to say to the person crying. Suddenly she wrapped her arms around me and started crying all over again, for a few seconds I was shocked but then I wrapped my arms around her and stayed like that, I didn't speak and the only sound was the sound of her crying.

"I don't know why I'm crying. She wouldn't want to see me like this. She told me that every year when it comes that the day she died I was supposed to smile because she's watching us." She hiccuped, I sniffed and it was then did I notice I was crying seeing Emily cry hurts me so much not to mention Louise was like my second mom.

As Emily was crying I remembered last year and the year before that on this day Emily either wouldn't come to school or she would have puffy eyes all the time and she would ignore every mean comment I said to her. Guilt washed over me as I thought about the times where she was hurting her and all I did was add fuel to the fire.

"Let's go visit her." I suggested Emily let me go and looked up at me "W-what?"

"Get showered. Get dressed and wipe those tears away, we are going to go visit your mom and you're gonna talk to her. Sound good?"

Emily smiled a little and that was enough to make me smile and lift my mood a little. "Weren't you in school?"

I grinned "School can wait you're more important." She stared at me for a while before nodding and letting out a quiet 'Okay' before breaking our stare down and getting up to get ready.

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