Chapter 38- Emily

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I told Sophia and Andrew I'd be right back and made my way to Liam's house. I hummed the tune to the song Thinking Out Loud while walking, I even danced a little. Minutes later I was there and let myself in, Carley greeted me by the door and I leaned down to pick her up "Hey baby." I cooed in a baby voice while she attacked my face with kisses.

I heard people arguing in Liam's room and followed it. Opening his door I saw him and Mark arguing, I rolled my eyes here we go. They can't stand each other and I bet they arguing over something petty which is something that's not hard to do when you're around Mark.

"Hello boys." I said with a bad Scottish accent and Carley still wagging her tail at me and trying to continue to attack me with kisses "Thank god you're here Emily." Liam let out a content sigh before coming over to give me a hug. I returned the gesture snuggling my face in the space between his shoulder and neck.

"What's going on in here?" I mumbled to Liam. He let me out of his grip and wrapped his arm around my waist and left his hand on my hip while glaring at Mark. "He keeps saying disgusting stuff about you and...what he would do to you." he whispered in my ear.

"Is this why you got so defensive? Take a joke sometimes would ya. And are you fucking dating?" He was genuinely shocked and I could sense some anger but I thought nothing of it.

"Yeah that's right and I would appreciate it if you'd stop saying all that stuff about her!"

It was clearly obvious Liam didn't want me to know what Mark said about me by how he's been avoiding mentioning them, I was of course curious to know but at the sound of disgust in Liam's voice I made the decision that I didn't want to know.

"Emily can I talk to you for a minute?" Mark asked teeth clenched and glanced at Liam "Alone."I opened my mouth about to tell him no when his features softened and he gave me a pleading look.

Sighing in defeat I muttered out a small 'fine' and looked at Liam as he made a noise of protest. "Emily you're actually agreeing to be alone with him?" he whispered loudly which ruined the point of the whole whisper thing.

"It'll just be a minute, I'm fine now go." I assured but Liam was silent for a while before he kicked us out his room "You guys can talk right here.....where there are no beds."

"Liam this is the middle of the stairs." I pointed out holding the railing "Thank you captain obvious."

Mark just stayed quiet while waiting for us to stop bickering and Liam to leave. Minutes later Liam was probably in his room and it was silent between Mark and I. Mark sat down on the stairs and I copied his actions sitting next to him.

Biting on my nails I waited for him to speak.

"I see you still wear big dorky glasses." he commented with a laugh before getting serious "Are you actually dating Liam?" He asked and I nodded my head avoiding eye contact.

"I told you I was coming back though. You said you'd wait for me." Marks eyes showed sadness and betrayal in them and for the first time in a long time I felt bad for him.

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