Chapter 37- Emily

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I woke the next morning and noticed that the sheets under me were green and not my original black and blue ones. I lay there for a few moments before I remembered I stayed at Liam's house.

I pulled the covers off of me and put on my pants and my glasses before walking into the bathroom. My hair was all over the place and I had a hickey or two on my neck, I gently ran my fingers over them "Hmm so that's what it feels like to have one of those." I mumbled to myself before walking out and going downstairs to see Liam on the couch asleep....with his shirt off.

I nudged him "Liam wake up babe." I said a little louder. He rolled onto his back and mumbled incoherent words to me. "C'mon wake up I need to get home."

After many failed attempts to wake him up I just sighed in defeat and sat down on the other couch. I turned the television on, keeping it at a low volume and channel surfed. Karen probably already left for work so I can't ask her to take me home.

Of course! I slapped myself on the head multiple times when I remembered I can just call my dad to pick me up. Pulling my phone out of my pocket I called my dad and waited for him to arrive.

He arrived in fifteen minutes, kissing Liam goodbye I ran out the house and into my dad's car. As soon as I entered the car my dad bombarded me with questions like 'where did Liam sleep' 'where did you sleep' 'why didn't you tell me you were staying over' I answered every one with an slightly annoyed tone.

I understand he's just worried but I couldn't help but feel annoyed at his questions. I stared out the window for the remainder of the ride while casually talking to James and my dad.

Speaking of James I had sort of a mini flashback to his tear stained face when he confronted me about how he felt. A frown made it's way onto my face when I thought about all the times I blew James off just to hang with my friends.

I never even thought his feelings, I just figured that he made friends so he wouldn't need to be hanging with his big sister anymore.

"Emily." I shook head slightly to snap out of my thoughts and saw my dad standing outside on my side of the car looking at me "We're home."

"I thought you said we were gonna stop at McDonald's." James whines as I got out of the car.

"We have food in the house."

I rolled my eyes at that, every parent says that when their kid asks for takeout. Walking into the house I headed straight for my room with James following close behind me like a puppy or something.

Me and James talked for a while and you may wonder what a eighteen year old and a six year old would talk about, we talked about how a lot of people in our schools cried the last day of school.

"I don't understand why they were crying anyway, this girl named Jenny she was crying because she said she would miss her friend but then when her mom came to pick her up she told her friend that she would talk to her later." James told me which made burst out laughing.

We started watching a movie and eventually fell asleep during it. Which is something we normally did.

When I woke up James was gone and I was left alone with my thoughts. My mind wandered and I ended up thinking about college, I know I told Liam I might not even go to Italy but my mind has already been made up and that's where I plan on going for the next few years of my life.

I'm going to be gone for a while and Liam and I just got together. Just the thought of leaving him and my friends and family behind made my heart ache, but I was doing what's right for me and my future. We would all see each other again someday. I closed my eyes and thought about what living in Italy would be like.

What if Liam meets someone at college and realizes he doesn't want to be with me anymore? What if he thinks long distance wouldn't work?

I groaned rolled onto my side to get phone. I put my music on shuffle and went onto my laptop, I went on Tumblr and looked at Supernatural memes and a bunch of silly stuff to get my mind off of these sad negative thoughts.


The next morning I got dressed and headed out for the day, I headed towards Sophia's house so her, Andrew and I could have quality best friend time since lately we have been hanging out with Liam and his friends.

Sophia's house is a couple of blocks down from Liam's meaning I had to walk past his house, as I walked past his house I bumped into someone natural instincts kicked in and I automatically apologized and turned around to make sure I didn't hurt the stranger.

When I locked eyes with the person I realized it wasn't a stranger after all I let out a quiet 'oh' when I remembered who the person was.

He smiled "Hi, I'm Mark."

I just stared at him, he either doesn't remember me or he's doing this to piss me off. "It's me Emily." I stated flatly while rolling my eyes and walking away.

"Oh shit. Really? These years have been good on you."

I continued walked in the direction of Sophia's deciding to deal with Mark and his ego later.

Mark is Liam's older cousin, he was only two grades older than us but when we were little he made sure we knew he was older, anyway I never liked Mark, well at first I did and I regrettably admit that I had a slight crush on him when I was in third grade.

Mark was this 'cool' kid and always hung out around us just so he can boss us around. For some reason he picked on Liam and I the most, maybe it was because we knew him and if we tattled he knew where to find us. My point is he was a jerk but thankfully Liam's aunt moved away taking the devil child with him. I thought he was gone for good but sadly seeing him today shattered my years of happiness without him here.

I made it to Sophia's place shortly after my encounter with Mark and told her and Andrew all about it.

"Mark Collins is here? Oh hell no." Andrew complained as he stuffed his face with potato chips. Sophia and I turned our heads toward him

"You know Mark? Since when?" I questioned

"Before I transferred to our old elementary school, I went to the same school as Mark and he was a pain in the ass, he thought he was a hot shot, he even stole my girlfriend." Andrew pouted.

"I hate him so much." I told them

"Now Emily hate is such a strong word." Sophia said in a motherly tone.

"Actually it isn't, I tried to make it as my Twitter password and it said that it was too weak." Andrew butted in as he happily munched on his chips.


drinking coffee can cause a latte problems *ba dum tss*

anyways thanks guys for being patient with me and my lack of skill to update this story fast. you guys are the

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