Chapter 7- Emily

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(A/n):Sometimes I forget which chapter I'm starting....or sometimes I forget to update oops...

I woke up around 12pm and I was facing Sohpia's way and she was facing mine, so when I woke up the first thing I saw was her, she was still asleep so I pulled the covers off of my body and groggily stumbled to the bathroom while rubbing my eyes.

After doing my buisness I walked back to my room and saw that Sophia was still asleep, so I went downstairs to us some lunch, I heard the tv on in the living room and since it sounded like Teenage Mutan Ninga Turtles I assumed that James was in there watching tv, so I walked in there and sure enough he was sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Hey bud what's up?" I asked sitting next to him "I'm hungry." He stated patting his tummy and looking at me, "Well what do you want for lunch?" "Hmmm.....Subway!" he exclaimed

"Alright lets go wake up Sophia so she can come with us." I said standing up and I was about to walk over to the stairs when James grabbed my fingers, I looked down at him "Carry me." He simply said in his baby voice, I picked him up and he started tugging at my hair "Stop it." I scolded.

I walked into my room and saw the Sophia was laying on her side facing the door on her phone, she laughed and her cheeks turned red "Who ya talking to?" I asked loudly making her jump and look up

"No one."

"It was someone."

"Nobody important."

"You were blushing."

"Em Em what's blushing?" James interupted "Its when heat rises up to your cheeks because you were either embarrased or when you get a compliment by someone you like." once I explained to James what blushing meant I snapped my head towards Sophia "You like someone!" I accused and her face heated up again "Can we please not talk about this right now?" She groaned covering her face.

"Well I just came to ask you if you wanted to go to Subway with us." I told her putting James down since he was hurting my arm. "Yeah sure just let me get dressed." she said walking out the room to the bathroom, I looked down at James "You go get dressed too. Wouldn't want you going to Subway in Spongebob pj's now would we?" I rhetorically asked "Ok." James then ran out of the room.

My phone buzzed and I got a text from Luke, Luke and I continued texting while I waited for them to get ready.

"Em Em." James shouted but it sounded kinda muffled so I ran to his room to see if he was ok. "Can you help me." James asked once again his voice sounded muffled, I had to cover my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't laugh at the sight infront of me, James pajama shirt was stuck on his head and he kept moving around trying to get it off.

"Sure Jay." I said using his nickname, I walked over to him and lifted the shirt off of him with ease "What do you want to wear?" I looked through his closet "The grey shirt with words on it." He decided I picked out the grey shirt and read the words on it She's My Sister. and it had a arrow pointing to the left. That's cute. Actually come to think of it I bought this shirt cause it was a matching set. "I'm gonna wear my shirt like this." I mumbled to myself while helping James put on the shirt.

After finishing doing that I walked into my room to see Sophia in there already and she was texting on her phone and she had a smile on her face She definetly has a crush on someone. I thought to myself while walking to my closet and took out my grey shirt that say He's My Brother. with and arrow pointing to the right, I pulled off my shirt and put on the grey shirt. "Jay Jay come here!" I called out to him and I heard his little footsteps coming down the hall.

"Yeah Em Em?" He asked "Stand by me." once he did so I lifted him up on my waist "Soph look at us." she looked up and saw our matching shirts, and squealed "I need a picture. You guys look so adorable." She gushed taking out her phone an snapping a few pictures of us. "Take some on my phone." I told her tossing her my phone. When we got finished doing all those pictures I posting one or two of them on instagram, "Alright ready to go?" "Yep." and then we headed out.

People kept complimenting me and James on our shirts saying they were so cute and adorable. When we got what we wanted we sat down. "So are you gonna keep not telling me who this guy you have a crush on is?" I asked Sophia "I promised him we would tell you together because he's not a crush. He's already my boyfriend." She told me "And you never bothered to tell me you had a boyfriend?" I asked with a raised eyebrow slightly hurt "I thought we told each other everything?" I whispered and her gaze went to her sandwich before she looked up at me "Please don't be mad. I wanted to tell you but he said we should wait til we all meet at school." She pleaded "Who?" I asked raising my voice little. "I can't tell you yet." she whispered

"Fine don't tell me. Just forget about it." I told her while looking at my phone "Are you mad?" she said quietly after a few moments of silence, I took a deep breath "No I'm not mad, I'm hurt. But it's fine I promise." I smiled weakly at her and she returned it. We kept talking like nothing happened after that.

When we got back from Subway I still had leftovers so I put the rest of my sandwich in the fridge. We had walked Sophia home so now it's just me and James.

"So what do you want to do?" "Can we go to the park?" I checked the time 3:30pm "Sure." I said and walked James to the park and he played there for a good hour before falling asleep on the ground. I walked over to him and picked him up and walked to the house.

I put him to bed and went in my room to relax a bit. But once my head hit the pillow I was asleep in no time.

My alarm woke me up the next morning so I turned it off and got up and got ready for school.

My dad dropped off James so I took my time getting ready since I didn't have to go drop him off which always takes a while since I have to sign in and stuff.

When I got to school someone started walking next to me and I looked over at the person and saw it was Luke "Hi Luke." I greeted and gave him a kiss on the cheek "Hey babe." He greeted making me look kind of surpirsed. We are at the pet names already? Is that what couples do after the first date? Are we a couple? I've never had a boyfriend before what should I do!?

He noticed my discomfort and confusion "Oh! Do you not want me to call you that? Am I rushing or speeding things up?" He questioned stopping in the hall making me stop also "Uh no that not the case. It's just that...I've never had anyone call me babe before." I said blushing from embarrassment "Your ex's have never called you babe?" He looked confused "About that..." I gave a nervous chuckle "I've never had a boyfriend before. Your my first boyfriend." I spit out and he looked pleased "Well I promise to be the best first boyfriend ever." he said "Wait does this mean we are already a couple?" I said continuing on walking

"Well normally I would ask you to be my girlfriend but it's okay if we skip that part." He grinned and I smiled back grabbing his hand and lacing his fingering through mine, I'm very aware of the people staring but I don't care and by the looks of it neither does Luke. He pecked my lips "I gotta go. See ya Em." then he started heading towards his locker.

I looked over and saw Liam staring at me he had a unreadable expression on his face.

Whats his problem?

(A/n) I made this one longer since I didn't update in a few days.

how are you guys? good? that's good. Did you hear about the You and I fragrance coming out? well it is and I dont even have money for That Moment -.-

I get out of school on friday so yay me *claps like London Tipton*

Thats how the matching shirts look btw ---->

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