Chapter 14-Emily

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I forgot to charge my phone since me and my dad stayed up a little too late so I was too tired to remember to put my phone on the charger, meaning my phone died and so my alarm didn't go off and so therefore I overslept.

"Em. Em. Emily." I heard and I groaned rolling on my other side facing away from the evil person trying to wake me from my slumber. I heard shuffling then I felt a poke on my forehead. "Em Em wake up." I heard and I reluctantly opened my eyes to see James dressed with his backpack on his shoulders.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes and I looked at James "What's wrong buddy?" "We have school dummy." James said and pinching my arm making me mumble a small 'ow' before realization hit me and got out of bed and ran out of my room and to the bathroom and did my daily business and putting my hair in its normal ponytail, put on a white crochet lace dress with a black belt around the waist and put on my black flats and grabbed my backpack.

I picked James up and ran down the stairs since I knew his small legs would slow us down and since he went down one step at a time. The kindergarten is ten minutes away from our house and it takes three minutes to sign him in. Once we got to the kindergarten I hurried to the office and signed him in, apologizing for being late then left. From the kindergarten to my school it takes fifteen minutes and I probably missed homeroom and first period already.

I ran into the office and got my late slip before running to my second period class. By the time I got there my face was flushed and my breathing was heavy and the whole class was looking at me "Glad you can finally join us Ms. Jensen." The teacher said annoyance in his voice since I interrupted his class "Yeah." I breathed out before taking the only seat left which was next to Liam.

"Hey." I said to him and he looked at me with a smile "Hi." he told me. I got my breathing under control I took out my notebook and pencil to write down notes

"You look nice." He complimented "Thanks."

"Why were you late for class?" I heard Liam whisper and I glanced at him before looking at my notes again "I overslept." I said quietly "Wow the goody two shoes was late? Thought I'd never see the day."

My hand stopped writing and I looked over at Liam, who had a smirk on his face since he finally had my full attention, "I am not a goody two shoes."

"Bullshit. You probably never not did your homework." He taunted which was true, but I wanna get into a good college so I have a reason.

"So? I want to get into a good college." "Then why haven't you never said a swear word?" He questioned

"Jensen. Collins. Why do you feel the need to disrupt my classroom with your voices?" The teacher crossing his arms. "Sorry sir." I apologized

from the corner of my eye I saw Liam smirk and I turned my head towards him and he mouthed the words 'told you'.

"For the record I did say a swear word, plenty of them. Remember when I yelled at you for hurting my brother? Yeah I said plenty of swear words then." I said now having a smile on face.

"Yeah cause you were pissed. I dare you to swear right now." He challenged. I opened my mouth but hesitated before mumbling a swear word. "Couldn't here you." Liam said putting a hand behind his ear for effect.

"Bitch." I said a little louder and a frown was placed on my face as I said it.  "Ms. Jensen and Mr. Collins if I hear you talking again I'm gonna have to send you to the principals office." Mr. Rodriguez scolded.

Which shut my mouth up.

After class I got a text from Sophia saying she wasn't feeling well so she went home for the rest of the day. So I sent her a picture of a cat with a little white sign saying get well. Around this time Andrew had gym , I would hang with Luke but he has gym with Andrew, so I'm by myself for my free period.

I headed for the library, I saw Liam waiting outside the library and I walked up to him "I didn't know you knew we even had a library in this school." I said surprised.

"Ha ha very funny. I asked some kid where it was so jokes on you." He said like that made it any better. I chuckled before pushing him out the way so I could go in, "So why are you here?" I asked quietly "Cause I knew you come here on your free period." He stated matter of factly

"Should I not be creeped out by that?" I questioned while looking at him and he shook his head.

For my free period I spent it with Liam laughing and teasing each other, it felt like we were best friends again, it honestly felt like I had my best friend back and at the thought of that I smiled. Maybe we were becoming friends again. That would be great.

"Does this mean we are friends?" I asked him as we were leaving the library. He looked down at me and smiled "I don't know. Do you want to be friends again?" He stopped walking and waited for my answer

"Would be nice." I truthfully stated "Cool. We are friends." He said then yanked my ponytail and running away before I could get him.

I wasn't even mad, I was actually smiling because that's something he used to always do when we were best friends. I'm so glad he remembered it's like he's still my best friend. I did a mini happy dance before going to Luke's locker to greet him.


Yay Liam and Emily are friends!! Bet you saw that coming :). Anyways don't forget to vote and or comment ♥ P.s. sorry for spelling errors and mistakes♥

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