Chapter 8-Liam

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(A/n) Writers block sucks so this chapter might be short. Happy Father's Day btw

"So I'm just all like 'Oh I saw the shirt first so I should get it' but then the girl was all like 'Yeah but you probably can't even afford it' like what a bitch! and then..." Sarah rambled on and on about what happened at the mall and I zoned out because lets be honest why should I care about what went down at the mall? "Yeah babe that's a great story and all but...lets talk about something else." I told her and she scoffed while mumbling something about me being rude. "Fine tell me about the damn incident." I groaned and she smiled before telling me about whatever I wasn't paying attention.

'Is that Luke and Emily?'

'Are they holding hands?"

I kept hearing people whisper quite loudly, might I add, I can't deny that when I heard Luke and Emily and holding hands I couldn't help but search for them in the crowd ofd students waiting for the bell to ring. I caught sight of them and I heard their conversation, well most of it Luke said something like 'I promise to be the best first boyfriend ever'

Are the dating already? Didn't they just start talking last week? pssh they ain't gonna last long. My eyes looked down at there hands and saw that Emily grabbed his and laced her fingers through his, my stomach felt weird and before I knew what I was doing I grabbed Sarah by the waist and kissed her roughly she kissed back after a moment of shock before she put her hands on my chest and pulled away breathless

"Woah. What was that for?" She asked "Can't I kiss my girlfriend without a reason?" I replied innocently "Babe I have to beg you to give me a hug let alone a kiss." She said suspicious but I already put my attention toward Luke and Emily

They just pulled away and now I was enraged with jealousy. Why am I jealous anyway? It shouldn't matter to me if that dork has a boyfriend. "Well I got to go to my locker babe so see ya later." Sarah said kissing my cheek and walking off but my attention was still them.

Maybe I should take what she said about moving on from what happened in sixth grade, like I said before it childish and I should've been over it by now. I zoned back in to see Emily staring straight at me, shit was I staring at her this whole time? dammit. I casually smiled at her and judging by the look on her face she was confused.

Emily turned the other way to head to wherever. But I do plan on talking to her today.

"Look all I'm saying is that if Loki and Joker fought Loki would win." Justin said before biting into his burger "Bullshit. Joker would win hands down your opinion is not valid." Chris argued

it's lunchtime right now and we are eating outside like we normally do and I'm listening to two idiots debate about stupid shit. I was about to butt in but I saw Emily walk past "Hold on guys." I said pushing my chair back and getting up

"Where ya going?" Chris called "Somewhere jackass." I called back and I heard Justin laughing.

"Hey Emily wait up." She looked behind her, saw it was me and she sped up her pace. I caught up to her and grabbed her forearm "Don't touch me." She snapped and pulled her arm away from me, I put my hands up in surrender "Whats wrong?" I asked looking into her eyes but not for long since her gaze went to the ground

"Nothing that concerns you." She spat "Look I'm sorry about what I've done to you okay? I'm trying to make things better and I was hoping we can become friends again." she looked at me

"I do not have time for this bullcrap Liam alright? You can't just come to me out of the blue and say we can try and become friends again. You cut me off and never bothered to tell me why so try some other time cause right now at this time I have stuff going on and I don't need all this on top of it." She turned on her heel and walked towards the school building.

I walked back to the table "Dude your dumb obviously he's gonna- oh hey Liam." Justin said "Who's gonna do what?" I asked sitting back in my seat Justin and Chris glanced at each other nervously "Spongebob is obviously gonna get his licence soon." Justin responded

"You do realise your seventeen and talking about Spongebob Squarepants right?"

And thats basically how our lunch went.

Finally the day was over and I was on my way home. I decided I should try again with Emily so I pulled out my phone and checked the time, the kindergarten classes should be getting out now so I headed there, on the way there I remembered what she said when she yelled at me

No one and I mean it when I say no one hurts my brother and thinks he can get away with it

When did Mrs. Jensen have another kid? Probably after I got pissed off at Emily. Maybe if I told her why I was mad she will forgive me and would want to talk to me again even though the reason is a little childish and embarrasing now. Ok it's really childish and embarrassing.

I saw Emily and that little kid and headed towards them the little kid noticed me first and had this scared look on his face, great last time we met I must've scared the shit out of him "Hey Emily." I flashed her a smile all she did was roll her eyes and walk past. "What if I tell you the reason I stopped talking to you." I called making her stop and face me.

"Keep talking." She said once she walked towards me "OK take the kid home and we can go get food." I told her "First of all the kid has a name it's James. Second James is coming with us." She simply put it

"Fine let's go." I told her while walking the direction to a small cafe.

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