Chapter 13-Emily

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"Nine liters are drawn from a vessel full of wine, it is then filled with water. Nine liters are drawn again, and replaced with water. If the ratio of wine to water is now 16:9, what is the capacity of the vessel?" Mrs. Wilson asked us and I'm pretty sure that the majority of this class had no clue whats she just said, Mrs. Wilson turned around to see how many hands were raised, I looked around and saw only three kids knew the answer four if I include myself I just didn't raise my hand.

Like any normal teacher Mrs. Wilson did the most annoying thing ever. She chose a student she knew didn't know the answer and it's probably gonna me this guy named Henry who looked about ready to fall asleep

"Henry, what's the answer to the question on the board?" She asked him with her eyebrow raised, told you so and poor Henry looked so confused while staring at the board. "Um eight?" He said unconfidently and he was wrong. "No it's not eight Henry, maybe if you paid attention you would know the answer." Mrs. Wilson scolded.

Honestly all the teachers say the same thing to every student. It's like they rehearsed that whole thing in some kind of meeting or something.

"Anybody else knows the answer? Besides these three." She glanced in my direction and I knew she wanted me to answer it but I don't want to, I'm always answering questions and all the other students aren't even paying attention. I glanced at the clock and there was only two mintues left of class. Left of the school day.

"No one is going anywhere until someone besides Candice, Jefferey and Sally answer the question." Mrs. Wilson said very stern like to show she meant it. Groans filled the classroom since we all wanted to go home and a few people looked in my direction knowing that I know the answer. I felt someone nudge my back so I turned around and saw Trisha "Answer the question so we can get out of here" She whispered to me,

I mentally groaned when I heard the bell ring so I blurted out the answer and once I did everyone stood up and headed straight for the door "Don't forget to study cause there's gonna be quiz on this stuff next week." Mrs.Wilson called to the us. As I was heading out the door Mrs. Wilson called my name and I rolled my eyes before turning back around with a friendly smile. If she doesn't hurry up I'm gonna be late on meeting Luke so we can hang out.

"Yes Mrs. Wilson?" I questioned "You do know you don't have to answer the questions just so everyone can leave right? Just cause you feel pressured by your peers doesn't mean you have to do what they say." She said with concerned what is she even talking about? I nodded my head "I understand." I fibbed, I have no idea what she's going on about.

"Ok then have a good day." She said and with that I left her classroom.

I texted Sophia and Andrew to see if they are still gonna come to my house on Friday. We do this thing where at the end of the month we sleep over at each others house and this month it's at my house.

They both confirmed it so I put my phone back in my pocket and left the school.

"Hey Luke." I greeted giving him a kiss before I took his hand and started walking towards his car "Woah what's the rush?" He questioned as he unlocked the car doors and got in the drivers while I got in the passenger seat "I have to go pick up my brother. You remember him right?" I looked at him "Yeah I remember him, he walked in on us kissing." my cheeks heated up thinking of the memory,I always seem to blush when I'm with Luke.

I turned on the radio once Luke started driving and 'One Thing' by One Direction started playing and I had to stop myself from fangirling. I started to sing the lyrics really loudly and Luke kept glancing over in my direction while laughing. The song ended and Luke glanced at me before looking at the road again

"Wow your voice is terrible. Never go into the singing buisness." He said shaking his head. "Oh shut up. Your just jealous cause you don't have my singing abilites." I said and punched his arm "Hitting a driver is very dangerous Emily. How did you manage to get your license." He teased I didn't have a comeback so I hit him again.

We pulled up at the kindergarten and saw James sitting on the stairs talking to some kids. "I'll be right back." I said unbuckling my seatbelt and getting out of the car.

"Hey Jay." I said squatting down to his level and waved to the other kids. "Hi Em. Can Kevin come over?" James questioned adding the puppy dog eyes for effect knowing I can never say no to those. "You're gonna have to ask Kevin's parents." I told him and he turned towards some little boy who I'm assuming Kevin is "You heard her! Go ask your mom." James demanded nicely and Kevin went over to his mom.

"She said ok but she needs to talk to you." Kevin said looking up at me once he came back. I looked back at the car and saw Luke staring at me and I held up a finger and mouthed 'one sec' before going over to Kevin's mother.

"Hello Miss Kevin's mom." what? I don't know their last name. "Call me Callie." She said shaking my hand "Hey Callie is it cool if Kevin comes over? I know you already said yeah but I just wanna make sure he asked you the right question." "Oh yeah he can visit for a little while, I just need your number incase something happens." She informed me.

A few minutes later Kevin, James, and I all were seated in Luke's car heading to my house. Once I opened the door to the house James and Kevin ran inside and up the stair and into I'm guessing James' room.

Me and Luke went over to the couch and I turned on the tv. "So what do you wanna do?" I asked while putting my legs on Luke's lap "I don't know what do you wanna do?" He asked playing with the laces on my shoes "I don't know." I shrugged Then I had a brilliant idea "Let me draw you" I exclaimed sitting up straight. "You want to draw me?" and I nodded my head excited before I ran upstairs to get my pencil and paper.

It's been thirty minutes since I started to draw Luke and honestly I can't draw people, I can only draw fictional characters and cartoon like letters and words. So for thirty minutes all I've been doing was drawing Spongebob and Patrick. "Ok finished." I said "Let me see." Luke said excited and I handed it to him. "The smile on his face slowly vanished only for a few seconds before he started laughing "What the hell?" He questioned

I let out a nervous laugh "Turns out I can only draw fictional characters." I said "Well it is nice." He complimented.

Luke stayed for another two hours before he had to go home and Kevin left an hour after his visit so James decided to take a nap while I'm on the couch texting Sohpia and Liam.

I heard my dad come in and he walked into the living room "Hey sweety." He said kissing my head "Hey daddy." I greeted. I changed the channel and saw Supernatural on.

Me and my dad used to always watch this show together until he started working late.

So for the rest of the night me and my dad watched Supernatural laughing and eating.


A/N: Hey guys! I'm almost at 200 reads which is really exciting for me ♥ please comment below and don't forget to vote♥

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