Chapter 23- Liam

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I have ignored Emily for the past two weeks. She thinks it's because of the whole 'Your gay' thing.

It kinda is. I was hurt when she assumed I was gay is that all I am to her? A gay friend? That hurt more than anything.

I'm also ignoring because everytime I'm near her my feelings grow stronger and stronger, and she's always near Luke which crushes me

I don't think I can bear it. Sophia claims she 'can see the hurt in my face' when I see Luke and Emily kiss or hold hands.

It's true but I can't let her know that, Emily's happy I should be happy for her.

"LIAM." I heard someone shout.

Oh no.

I know that voice anywhere. I looked down the hall to see her walking my way. I quickly walked into the boys bathroom.

Some of the boys looked at me weirdly, I casually smiled at them feeling relieved that I gotten away from her.

"Liam." she sneered then the door opened and she walked into the boys bathroom

"What the hell is she doing in here?" I heard some boy say alarmed. "Everyone get out now." she lowly spoke

they filed out one by one some mutter stuff like 'I'm leaving cause I want too not cause you said so.'

"What Sophia?" I asked when everyone left

"You know what! How dare you just ignore Emily like she's just some trash on the street?" she fumed walking back and forth with her fist clenched.

"I've been busy." I lied. Sophia looked at me

"Don't give me that bull Liam. You know what she did yesterday? She told me that this is starting to feel like the eighth grade all over again."

It felt like my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. Please no. "Fine I'll talk to her." I said quickly not wanting to have Emily fully gone from my life again.

"Liam I know you like and even possibly love Emily but you're her best friend and even though I hate to admit it, She cares about you more than she cares about Andrew and I." Sophia's voice softened

"She does? That can't be true. Not after I-I left her." I thought out loud. Sophia shook her head and put her hands on her hips

"Even after she told us about how you left her we expected her to hate you but she didn't she would always tell us stories about what you guys did together, she would even tell us about you all the time." Sohpia explained.

I hugged Sophia then left the bathroom and hurried to class. Mentally noting I'm gonna talk to Emily today. I texted her asking if I can talk to her at lunch she didn't respond but I know she read it.

I headed to my class and waited for lunchtime.

At lunch I was waiting for Emily outside by some tree. I waited for about ten minutes before I saw her slowly making her way over to me. She's five inches shorter than me so she looked up at me with a glare, "What." she snapped

"I'm sorry I avoided you for two weeks." I lamely apologized. Her jaw dropped then she closed it before it opened again, to put it in words she looked like a fish on land gasping for water.

"You're sorry!?" she exclaimed "Is that the best you can come up with Liam? Two weeks. Two fricking weeks you haven't talked to me and all you do is tell me to come meet you for lunch and tell me I'm sorry.?"

I looked at the ground and shrugged my shoulders not knowing what to say.

She scoffed "Wow Liam. I don't even get an explanation." I can't tell the truth, she'll stop talking to me for good.

"You called me gay..." I mumbled her eyebrows widened "REALLY LIAM?"

I jumped at the loudness of her voice and I nodded my head "Why did you tell me to come here?"  Emily asked looking in my eyes.

I looked away "So I could apologize." "I don't accept it Liam." she told me

"Why not?" "Because you can't just not talk to someone for two weeks then apologize without an explanation." she said

"I did give you an explanantion." "It wasn't the truth Liam. I really know why you're avoiding me anyway. Sophia told me."

All the color drained from my face and my eyes widened "S-she did?" Emily crossed her arms and nodded her head"Yeah she did actually, everything. I know why you've been acting strange."

"Okay promise me that this doesn't change anything between us. I'll try and lose my feelings for you but please tell me we can still be friends." I begged grabbing her hand instanstly feeling that certain feeling I can't explain,  her hand slipped from mine

"What? You have feeling for me?" she shook her head "Isn't that what Sophia told you?" I told her trying to ignore the feeling of rejection when she moved her hand away

"Sophia didn't tell me anything. I only said that so you can tell me what you were hiding. But this you can't feel that way Liam." she said looking at me

and there is that sharp pain in my chest again "Do you think I want to feel this way?" I stepped closer to her but she backed away "I have to go." and she walked away.

Just like that. I kicked the tree in frustration

great now my toe hurts. Can things get any worse?

I sat down leaning against the tree and looked to my left to see Justin and Chris smiling my way

damn it.

"DUDE I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO." Justin shouted when they both made there way over to me. "Whatever." I muttered putting my head in my head

"I wasn't talking to you. Chris pay up." I looked up and saw Chris gave Justin some money. "You made a bet?"

"Yeah remember that one time when you heard us talking and I made some shit up about spongebob? Well it wasn't about Spongbob it was about you. We wanted to bet on if you were gonna like Emily or not." I glared at them both

"Fuck you guys."

"Oh you love us." "I'm serious right now guys. This is a very serious moment." I told them and Chris just shrugged "Go get a taco and then we'll taco bout it."

"That's nacho joke though."

I rolled my eyes at them as they laughed at each other

"I donut understand why I still hang out with you guys."


I was feeling punny soooo I made food puns and I'm hungry so yeah.

This is the longest time I took to update a chapter and I'm sorry for that.

This chapter may contain misspellings and typos and whatnot I'm to tired to edit things today.

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