Chapter 18-Liam

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I slowly opened my door to see......James in basketball jersey and bouncing my basketball, he heard the door open and jumped but once he saw me he smiled and stopped bouncing the ball and he ran towards me.

"Liam!" He exclaimed hugging me, well my legs since he's short.

I picked him up and gave him a proper hug while he wrapped his arms around my neck. My heart had already went back to it's normal pace. As you can tell James has warmed up to me and now he's like my 'partner in crime' as Emily likes to call it, since I was at her house one time and she was sleeping when I got there so me and James decided to put mentos in Coca Cola and it exploded all over her and her bed.

Boy was she pissed.

"Hey buddy." I smiled and he stopped hugging me but I still had him in my arms, "Where are my parents?" I asked him

"Bedroom." He said wiggling so I put him down. Bedroom? Are they- Ew oh my god they can't be-

I walked out the room and towards their bedroom, I didn't hear any noise coming from inside so I turned the knob and opened the door, I know what your thinking

Why would I open the door if I thought they were having sex, well it's simple there was this one time I heard them doing it and ugh it was awful, I cringed at the memory before going fully inside.

They were sleeping, which I find very irresponsible because they were suppose to be taking care of James. I let out a sigh before going back into my room.

"Are you ready to see Emily?" his eyes brightened up out of excitement when I mentioned his sisters name and James nodded his head before lifting his arms up, I picked him up then went downstairs

and went to the living room where I saw his backpack. Before leaving the house and to my car where Luke was waiting, he was texting someone.

I put James in the backseat and made sure he had his seat belt before going to the drivers side and getting in, I started the car and started driving back to Emily's house

"What took so long?" Luke asked me and I tried not to sigh of annoyance "Nothing I just took my time." I replied simply trying to show I wasn't up for conversation he caught on and went back to texting whoever.

"Can you turn on the radio?" James baby voice said breaking the silence I looked at him from the rear-view mirror and saw him looking at me, I turned on the radio and Best Song Ever by One Direction was playing and I heard James singing it.

That's cute.

We arrived at the house and I got out and went to get James but Luke had already got him, I just went up to their house and walked right in, their dad Willam was home and Sarah, Andrew, and Emily was all sitting in the living room laughing with him.

he's one of those cool but knows when to be strict dads. Luke still looked frightened by him which was very funny cause he looked like he was gonna shit himself right here.

"Hey William. Long time no see." I grinned, James had already placed himself on William's lap, he raised an eyebrow "You came over yesterday and practically ate everything in my fridge. I'm just glad Andrew wasn't over cause my fridge would be empty." he muttered the last part but we all heard him and Andrew mocked offense I just smirked.

I went back home three hours later, and my mom was cooking dinner I went into the kitchen and raised and eyebrow at her

"Really mom? Napping while babysitting a five year old?" her cheeks turned a slight shade of pink and she just smiled letting out an embarrased chuckle. "I was tired okay?" she defended and I let out a smile laugh before heading to my room.

I went on Instagram and posted a shirtless mirror selfie, within four minutes I was at thirty likes which didn't surprise me I have over twenty-nine thousand followers, mainly girls but whatever.

I was scrolling through the comments and girls putting heart emojis under the picture and telling me I was hot, except a few girls and one girl said and I quote

ew I'm already sick I didn't need to see that

with that sick emoji thingy. I would've been offended but I saw it was Emily, I chuckled but didn't respond.

"Dinner's ready!" my mom called so I went downstairs to eat dinner. "Did you have fun at Emily's house?" she asked after we fixed our plates. "Yeah, well sort of, cause her being sick and all." I partially lied.

My mom already thinks I have a crush on Emily I can't tell her that Emily's boyfriend is pissing me off. Cause I know she would say something about how I was 'jealous'.

After I finished I went back up to my room and stalked peoples twitter and instagram accounts until I fell asleep.

The next morning I made it to school earlier than I've ever been so I had time to talk to Emily who was sitting at her desk quietly and I saw her drawing Spider-man, she drew him really well so I asked her "Did you draw that?"

she looked like she was about to give a sarcastic answer by the way she rolled her eyes but then her eyes widened in what seemed like horror and she threw her sketchbook to the ground before screaming "NO I DIDN'T WHERE DID THAT COME FROM? WHAT IS THIS WITCHCRAFT?"

everyone was staring at us and the whole room was silent, but then Emily started laughing and picked up her sketchbook from the ground, "Yeah I drew it." she said calmly before going back to drawing, I was about to say something but the bell cut me off.

Damn she's weird.


Hiiii :) how's it going?

who started school yet? I did!! I started Tuesday :( bye summer

If you found this chapter sucky I'm sorry but then again I'm not cause you try focusing on a story when you just went back to school and you have to take an online test, oh yeah I'm homeschooled so yup. Online school :(

anyways what do you think of this chapter? don't forget to comment, vote and follow me

P.s. I'm not gonna edit the typos until later so sorry about them :)

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