Chapter 2 -Emily

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Me and Sophia worked together in class, but we kept getting off topic.

Once the bell rang Sophia and I both walked out of the classroom and walked towards my locker. "Wanna hangout at the mall later?" Sophia asked leaning against the locker next to mine

"Sorry I can't I have to watch James since my dad has to work late again." I said to her "This is like the third night in a row that he's been working late." She said

"I know. Its kind of frustrating at times but whatever."

"Maybe we can take James with us. He is so adorable and I havent seen him in a while." Sophia suggested.

I do need more books and I could buy a new video game "Ok. I guess I can bring James with us." I told her. Me and Sophia kept talking when Justin came up to us. "Hey Sophia. Sup Emily." Justin greeted.

Justin is Liams best friend and I don't know why Justin hangs out with Liam in the first place, Justins a sweet and kind and Liam probably told Justin that I'm rude and such but Justin still talks to me.

"Hey Justin." Me and Sophia said at the same time. We looked at each other "JINX." I shouted making people look our way, I felt my face getting hot when I saw Luke Grant looking and he gave me a small smile and I hurried and turned back around towards Sophia and Justin. "Real smooth Em." Sophia said "Oh shut up you." I mumbled punching her in the arm. She gasped and put her hand where I punched her.

See Luke Grant is this nerd guy but he's also kinda popular. I might have a teeny tiny itsy bitsy crush on him.

"Justin Emily punched me." She said 'crying' into his chest "Aww its ok Soph. Emily how dare you?" He questioned shaking his head like he was disapointed in me.

I sighed "Sorry Sophia." I said like I was a six year old that stole from the cookie jar. We all started laughing then the bell for next period rung and we all went our different ways since we didnt have this class together.

When I got to class I took a seat next to some boy and pulled out my notepad drawing smiley faces and hearts. I was in the middle of drawing Yoda when I heard a scoff and looked up

"What is that." Liam said taking my notebook "It's Yoda duh." I told him annoyed while pushing my glasses up "What the fuck is a Yoda?" He said staring at the page while I tried taking my notebook back "Listen Liam, if you don't give me my fudging notebook back I'm gonna-" "Your going to do what?" Liam interupted me while standing close "Liam just leave the poor girl alone." Luke said.

Did Luke Grant just stick up for me? Oh my gumdrops he did! Liam backed up from me and just dropped my notebook and walking to his desk. "Here you go Emily." Luke said giving me a friendly smile "Thanks Luke." I said shyly and he walked to his desk. "Ok quiet down guys." The teacher said and then she went on with her lesson.

Classes went by and now it was time for lunch and I went outside sitting under a tree while waiting for Sophia and my other friend Andrew, while waiting for them both I took out the book I was currently reading The Fault In Our Stars and the book is pretty amazing I can't wait to see the movie. I was so engrossed in my book that I didn't notice Luke standing next to me, he cleard his throat making me look up at him "Uh y-yeah Luke?" I said "Whatcha reading there?" He questioned pointing at my book

"The Fault In Our Stars." I told him simply looking down at my book out of the corner of my eye I saw Luke sit next to me "Oh thats sounds like a cool book. Is It good?" "It's AMAZING this book is one of my favorite books of all time. Once the book came out I had to wait two weeks to finally buy it. TWO MOTHER DUCKING WEEKS but it was worth it. I can't wait to see the movie. Like you have no idea how excited I am to see the movie. I didn't have anytime to read when I first got it since I had to take care of my little brother and stuff. " I blabbered on and on about the book before I realised it and stopped talking

"Oops? Sorry sometimes I get carried away." I said laughing a bit but when I turned to Luke he was just smiling at me.

"No its ok. I think its cute that your so facinated by this book." He said making my face turn red. "I know you just didn't come over here to hear me talk about a book." I told him once my face went back to its normal shade

"Your right I didn't just come over here for that I actually wanted to ask you something." He said his face turning pink, is he blushing?

Did I Emily Louise Jensen make Lucas whatever his middle name is Grant blush? "Ok what did you want to ask me?" I asked him smiling.

"Will you go on a date with me?" Luke asked me nervously, did he just ask me out? I'm pretty sure this is a dream that I do not want to wake up from

"Sure." I stated smiling wide he returned the smile "Ok cool I'll pick you up at eight on Saturday." He told me before handing me his number and walking away.

"Oh my gosh Em you have a date with Luke on Saturday! I'm so happy for you." Sophia exclaimed as she and Andrew walked over here "You was eavesdropping on our conversation?" I asked raising and eyebrow at them both "No we was not eavesdropping. We were walking over here and we just heard you guys talking and happen to hear what was going on." Andrew shrugged his shoulder and sat down along with Sophia

"So....eavesdropping." I stated. "If you wanna put it that way." Sophia said making me laugh.

(A/N): Actually I've never read The Fault In Our Stars I want to but I just havent yet. Anyways how are you?????? Also just want to let you know....Zayn Malik is beautiful :) Sorry for any misspellings and stuff don't forget to comment and vote. Or don't I dont really care...(yes I do)

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