1- 𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆

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It was early in the morning
You were now ready to go to your new job
First day

You were nervous
but you promised to yourself to keep your cool

I started to change right after taking a shower,
the manager had said to wear something professional, yet good looking?
So I am putting on what I think looks best

-A light blossom- colored loose skirt that went a little below your knee
-A pale white buttoned long sleeve blouse that had a lace
-white flats
-some jewelery:
golden pendant

Authors Note: If you would like to change some things, its fine

After putting your outfit on, you quickly brushed your hair and put your hair to a low bun, leaving a few strands of hair loose from the sides
You grabbed your purse, and keys, and headed out. Not saying a word to your asleep parents

I sighed and went inside the car turning it on and finally seeing the outside world heading to the city
which rather almost takes an hour considering you live in the suburbs and not the actual city where the enchanted New York City lived

That was were you were heading


I finally made it, walking down the crowded streets
Once you got to your destination you looked up at the huge building, the windows glowing in the morning's sun

You took out your left hand and checked the time off your watch on your wrist
I am on time
Out of your bag you took out the ID card so you can enter the building as a worker, then clipped it onto the waistband of your skirt

You went in, and security checked you first, but it didn't really scare you
Then you went through another thing
where it scanned my ID card, and it let you pass

I sighed it relief, finally going through all that
then there seem to be two people there, looking nervous and anxious
So I went up to them because maybe they knew exactly where I am supposed to go

"Excuse me" I told them, lightly tapping the one with gray hair with a really weird haircut
He then turned along with the other one to face me
They studied me for a few seconds then looked at some papers they had in their hands, and looked back at me

"Oh Hi! Your F/N L/N?" the gray haired guy asked me
I nodded, "yes I am"
"Ohhh, thank gosh! We were worried that you quit last minute! I will be-"
He was then cut off
"No, I will be showing her around, I am the manager" the blond hair guy said

"Oh ok, nice to meet you then" you said and gave them a small smile offering your hand to him first

"Right! So sorry for not introducing ourselves. Doppo Kunikida, just call me Kunikida" he said and shaked your hand back
He isn't the type to smile...

"I'm Atsushi Nakajima, just call me Atsushi because its shorter! I also work here, I am like the assistant of Kunikida basically?" he said smiling and also shook my hand

"Nice to meet you, just to make sure
Am I on time?" I asked a little worried since they looked to be waiting for me
"Of course you are, right on time actually!!!" he said smiling

his aura is so bright

Before we went onto the tour, me and Atsushi were stopped by Kunikida
We both looked at him in confusion
"One last thing I forgot to mention when we hired you" he said sternly

"Yeah, what's that?"
"What are your true intentions for this job? You could possibly be undercover for something. If you are we will eliminate you and you will pay the consequences" he said and gave you a glare

You were token by those words, but it didn't scare you
At this point you were used to threats
You knew it was serious though, so every word you said was full of truth

"I will make this very clear, I am here for the job, not getting in to too many details about my personal life, but I want to escape my personal life. I took the opportunity and I got it. I don't care if its Mr. Dazai, I will do my part as an assistant. Thats it! If you have anymore questions, I won't mind answering" I said with a smile in a soft tone, you didn't mean to sound bitchy in any way, yet it sounded like it

I know it makes me sound kinda fake
but I am saying this with my whole heart so I swear he better take it as an answer
His expression is telling me, he is shocked by my response
and so was Atsushi

Kunikida cleared his throat
"Ok then"
He then the both of you pass along as he followed you guys behind

It had seemed that he changed his mind about what he said earlier about showing me around instead Atsushi

"Um, well we are going to show you all of the departments. I am so sorry if this wears you out... there are exactly 108 floors in this building!" Atsushi said in a sympathized way

"Its ok, I'll get used to it" you said as you all kept walking
"Don't worry we'll use the elevators though...its just have to walk through out each floor" he added

It had almost felt like hours had gone by, just walking through half the floors
You guys were on your 42end floor right now

I'll get used to this though
You weren't really all that tired
You were introduced to so many people
They were all very nice

"Y/n if you feel tired, tell me. I know this can be a lot..." Atsushi kept telling you this every like 4 floors
"Its fine, I'm not feeling all that tired today" you reassured him

"Ok!" he said
"If you are wondering, Dazai is in the last floor " Kunikida said from behind
You turned around and just nodded
"Oh ok"

Ataushi giggled a little
"We are still a little far though..."
"Yeah, but we'll get there" I said



The elevator's doors opened to the last and final floor
"We're here!!" Atsushi said in relief as the three of us stepped out

This floor was a little different than the others
it felt larger
It was wayy more spacey than the other ones
maybe that was because there weren't office spaces
this one looked nice and organized...and it had rooms

"This floor's nice" I commented as I watched around following Kunikida and Atsushi

"I know right! Its my favorite floor" Atsushi said smiling
Kunikida just rolled his eyes

Kunikida got away from us, looking for something
"Dazai should be here somewhere....where is that bastard"

Atsushi laughed
It seems like they are all friends?

"DAZAI! WHERE ARE YOU!" Kunikida shouted
there weren't so many people around in this floor

You just kind of followed them around quietly
since there wasn't really anything to say

Atsushi turned to me and got close to my ear, he was going to whisper me something
"Just saying Dazai can be very-"

"Hiiiiiii" I heard a voice from behind, then felt someone touch my shoulders from behind me as well

You flinched and tensed up, not wanting to look back
"Oh! I am so sorry did I scare you?" the same person asked
You turned around and to your surprise

It was Mr. Dazai

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