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Getting Her Back

"Dazai! Answer the goddamn phone quick. It's an unknown number, it might be them" Ranpo told Dazai desperately over the phone

"I am", and immediately hung up on Ranpo, answering the unknown caller
"That was quick, Dazai" man's voice vibrated through the phone and room, Dazai's lips twitch downwards in annoyance, leaning his body back on a column in the parking lot

"If it isn't my old subordinate, Akutagawa" Dazai's voice lingered, cracking his index finger with his thumb
"Are You mad? Are you going to do something?" He teased with his words, building up fuel
"Mad doesn't fit what I feel right now.  And I will be doing something about this.  You can't just get away with this you know? I think you should know that pretty well out of all people" he mid-whispered that last sentence to tease him back
"I think you should look back and see that you are in no position to control my decisions anymore.  After all, you are a traitor to the Port Mafia" his words bite back


"This proves our point, that this lady is in your interests.  A shocker to all of us, even me.  You Dazai out of all people, being serious with someone?" At this point Atukagawa was asking this out of curiosity, but he was already a little angered

Dazai scoffed "She is my assistant only.  Are you stupid enough to think that love is something I have in me.  Think again, plus I just want her safety.  Someone as innocent as her doesn't deserve the Mafia's cruelty"

"What I thought. Either way, just know she isn't dead yet"
"Ok, but my actual question of the night is.  What do you guys want from me so much that you all took Miss Y/n for?" Dazai asked one of his fingers continuously tapping on the side of his phone

"That, is to finally get our traitor in our hands.  This way you can finally get what you truly deserve.  The woman is just a way to lure you in. Ah, I also want to be one of the first to get a good hit on you
"Hm, it seems that in my years of absence you AND your words have changed.  Good to know the little weakling I knew has changed" Dazai smirked while looking at his bandaged arm in the air

In these moments Atukagawa wished nothing but to kill Dazai, the flashing memories of those years spinning in his head, even more of his resentment building up inside him.  He wanted to throw his phone across the wall so bad, but instead he remained silent since he was surrounded by members of the Mafia

"SHUT UP, I can and will kill Y/n if you don't present yourself alone.  You know damn well that we will have her bite down on the curb, kick her, break her jaw-"  

          "Turn her over and shoot her three times.  What makes you think I forgot? After all, I too have had people killed myself" Dazai cut him off, finishing the sentence unamused.  "Makes me wonder why our executive member left and became a celebrity star" Akutagawa went on

"That is an offense to your executive member, Chuuya Nakahara. Isn't he is also a celebrity? He wanted the fame, I didn't, and I did not ask for it" In that moment Dazai put him on speaker and texted Ranpo to trace the location of the call, though Ranpo on the other hand within a little bit of time had an idea of where they all might be

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