28-𝑨 𝑫𝑨𝑻𝑬?

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A Date?

You slowly crept out of his bed, not making a sound as you slowly placed Dazai's hand beside him on the bed. You tip toed your way out of his room, successfully not waking him up

It was like 4 am in the morning and you hadn't gotten any type of sleep. You only had your eyes closed the whole time, hearing Dazai's quiet breathing against your back. Surprisingly he was a peaceful sleeper, and didn't make ruckus during his sleep

But all that your mind could process were the feelings that you were failing at suppressing. You tried hard to never think of the sex as something more. You knew damn well he didn't think about it any more than it is. You sighed, the time has passed by and your feelings toward your boss are getting more complicated as time goes by

Luckily, hiding your feelings has never been a problem to you

But there was only one person who could see through it and that was Ranpo. You knew that he clearly- and Dazai too told you not to fall for him! But it wasn't that you fell in love. You weren't sure that these feelings you were having were such thing as "love"

You shook your head, shaking off the stupid thoughts that ran inside your mind. Its Stupid to think about this, yet why...?

"Y/n?" you felt Dazai's head rest over your shoulder, grabbing you by surprise. "hmn?" you hummed and turned your body to face him. "Why are you standing in middle of the hallway like that. It seems as your mind is elsewhere of this world" he chuckles lowly

"It's nothing really. Just thinking about some things" you shrug. "If you say so~" he says in high-pitch and goes to the bathroom


You go to the other bathroom and take a shower. You get changed, and then hear a knock at your door to which you open the door
"Yes?" You ask him
"I was thinking, we should go somewhere after work" he suggests cheerfully with a smile struck out on his face

You raise your eyebrow. "With everyone...?". He shakes his head "No like only the two of us together"

"Oh? That does sound nice Mr Dazai. I accept your proposal" you say calmly as you grab your purse and put your phone away. "It will be nice with you with me. Just think of it as a date, my love" he winks and leaves, closing the door behind me

A date huh, it won't hurt

"Yo, Tanikazi! Long time no see" you call out to him as you head his way. From far away you can see his bright hair along with his hairpin on the side. He turned to you, and waved. "Oh hey Y/n. I haven't seen you in a while either" he says with a smile

"Right? I heard you were on a break". He nodded and plays with a pen in his hand "That's right, my Sister Naomi was bugging me about how I don't visit often... and I can't really say no to her so yeah" he scratches the back of his neck with a sweat drop

"Ah, I understand. Well, glad you're back" you say and make point that you have to go somewhere

"See you! He says from behind. After a few minutes you make your way and find Ranpo's office. You slightly knock on his door, and you go in

"Hey, I'm here to drop this paper work. Oh and I brought you some donuts on my way to work here" you hand him the box you were carrying around and put it on his desk

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