14- 𝑯𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒍 𝑹𝒐𝒐𝒎

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Hotel Room

This contains sexual content

A/n: you may play the song through out the whole chapter
Recommend: low volume

You had just taken a fresh shower, not washing your hair because it still looked impeccable as your amazing stylist did it

Taking the dress was a hassle, but oh well

Right now, you could hear Dazai getting out of the shower, so you went out of the room quietly

It was dark already, the view from the room was looking spectacular.  The view from this point of the hotel, made it so you could look at the multiple cars and busy city.  Similar, yet so different than New York City

You smiled lightly to yourself, You were in a really good mood, everything went amazing earlier, and it was such a fun experience that you had its been a while since I've had this much excitement in my life...

That same excitement feeling from before would not get out your stomach , making you smile and feel a type of way

You were ready to fall asleep and recharge your energy, not that you really felt you needed to at the moment, All you had was on a large orversized T-shirt and some sweatpants, it felt awfully comfortable anyways

After waiting a couple minutes for him to get changed, you went back inside. As you expected he was already changed, and for some reason he never seemed to sleep with pj's around you

You found that hot though
"Today, did you find it fun?" He asked you as his eyes slowly made their way to your body.  You take a couple steps,"Yeah it was amazing, couldn't have been better" you smile,extending your blanket on the side of the large bed

He walked closer to you "the day still hasn't ended yet, do you think there is any way to make it even better before it truly ends?" He whispers in your ear smoothly

You flinched at the soft breath that tickled against your ear.  Processing the words, butterflies in your stomach form, and your cheeks tint slightly. Saying such thing indicated something. Your lips crack into a smirk

I'll go along~

"You are right Dazai it hasn't ended yet, I think there are things we can do to make this day even better" you turned to him gazing right into those dark brown eyes of his

The fact that you didn't add the 'Mr' before his name had him quite fluttery at the moment as well

"Ah,is there? And what might that be?" His voice sliced the air like cutting a perfectly soft bread, yet thickness surrounded the air that you two were sharing at this very moment

"I don't know, help me find it" you told him as you stepped your way closer to him
Oh,was that of course that was the breaking point

You closed your eyes and you dive in for the kiss, your lips pressed roughly against sweet ones. Your mouths sync immediately , the chemistry between the two of you boding instantly as you press your palm on the side of his neck to deepen the kiss even more

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