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*In my note (for those who read the og chapter) I said I would completely change the plot for these chapters. No , so this might SEEM like its the same thing. its not :) just read the whole thing to see the difference , It will be pretty different than the og

*Don't mind the old comments.... 

It wasn't long that you and Dazai parted ways after work, that you received a phone call. Like you always do, you just answer without looking at the caller ID. "Yes?" You asked with a clear voice

"Miss me already?" Dazai's husky voice lingered through the phone. You smiled shaking you head and turning around to see him facing you from the other side of the street as people walked by as well

"I think it's the other way around" you smiled at him. "It's not~ just admit it. You miss me" he said. "Um- you called me first but oh well. You should go Mr Dazai, people might notice you and get all over you and your personal space"

You see him scratch his head. "Your right, see you tomorrow morning Miss Y/n~" he said and he hangs up. You saw as he got inside his shiny matte black car, his security guard closing the door right after

"He's such an idiot" you said quietly to yourself, laughing at what just happened
You started to make yourself to the parking lot, you sighed. You didn't want to go home, but you kind of have to

As you were about to reach your car your phone rang once again and you rolled your eyes thinking it was Dazai again calling to mess with you like he loves to do

"Hello, Mr Dazai-" you answered but were cut off by an unfamiliar voice
You took the phone away from your ear and then looked at the Caller ID which said Unknown

You looked at it in confusing it isn't an advertisement... must be some dumb ass prank you thought and shrugged it off, you were about to end the call until you were stopped, the voice speaking once more only this time a lot more clear and dangerous

"I would advise for you to follow my instructions in order for no one to get hurt"

You froze, staying still as your heart started to pump really quick, in a way of fear. You weren't one to get scared that easily, you've been through enough to know not to get that scared, but this is a life threat. Its best if I stay calm right now

"Okay, what do you need sir?" You said calmly, taking in deep breaths, standing still. There is a big possibility of e being watched, someone may even have a gun pointed at me

"Don't ask questions, 2: Don't hang up or call anyone, that includes the police and Dazai. 3: Don't make it obvious that you are in danger. Then I will repeat myself : Listen to my instructions Y/n L/n" there was no stutter in his words, they were cold and told you that the situation you were currently in wasn't something like a lame prank or joke

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, what do I fucking do

"I understand. I'll start walking to make sure I don't look obvious" you said in a low tone, lowering your head walking straight

"Walk to your car, don't go inside your car and don't make a sound. I will kill you in an instant if you do"

You nodded, your breath became a bit shaky but it was no time to panic yet. You speeded up, your heart racing inside your chest, banging and banging as panic slowly ingested your body every second you took a step

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