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*low key just a filler cuz uh-

"Miss Y/n, do you have plans for lunch?"  Dazai asked you, as it was now time for a break.  You nodded. "I do actually, Ima take Kyoka out to lunch" you said with a smile as you started to organize the papers in front of you, then grabbing your phone and wallet

"Ah, ok then. Have fun"he said.  "Thanks, see you later Mr Dazai" you said with a smile and left his presence. You hurried to the elevator, going to the break floor, where Kyoka should be waiting if Atsushi told her what you had said


"Miss Y/n" you heard the faint and quiet voice of Kyoka.  She was standing there with her red colors and hard-reading eyes.  You smiled

"Heyy! How are you?" You asked to make conversation.  You had to admit you weren't one that was all good with the younger.  But you never had siblings, so in this case you wished you had some type of sister, to be less lonely

"Ok" she said plainly.  You weren't surprised, she wasn't one who smiled or a bright personality, that was completely fine with you since you weren't one to be like that as well

"What do you feel like eating? I don't mind anything by the way".  She stayed quiet while thinking of what to answer.  "Can I ask Atsushi?" She asked

"You know what? Let's bring him with us" you said with a small smile and you saw as her lips cracked a smile


"Mis-I mean Y/n, you are very kind. Are you sure you want to invite me though? You two should have your moment alone...." He said sweatdropping

"It's all good, this will be a good experience hopefully" you said to brighten up the mood somehow. Yet you know this would be kind of stressful for you since you aren't close with either of them

You got a little closer to Atsushi and whispered to his ear "Also, this will be better for Kyoka...". He got chills, when you got close to him but immediately started nodding in agreement, knowing very well you were correct

"Let's go then!" Atsushi said with a smile, and you returned it silently.   For you, this was a little out of your line. But this was necessary in a sort of way, to not let yourself drift away into Dazai's personal life. Not more... anyways

"This food is... good" Kyoka said with half a smile. "Good good" Atsushi said with a relief tone, you sighed of relief as well. You had to admit it was really quiet, but you didn't mind

"No but really, this food here is very good. How did you find this place Y/n?" He asked, while stuffing his face with food, even getting a small piece of food in his right cheek. "My friend: Reign, she is a big foodie. She knows the best places around the city. She took me here a couple of times... thought you guys might like it as well" you explained quietly

"Looks like your prediction was correct" Kyoka said, you and Atsushi nodded at her response. "Can I ask you a question?" She asked randomly

"Of course, go ahead" you said and grabbed your drink, sipping slowly with the straw. "Are you dating Dazai?"

You nearly spitted your drink, and Atsushi dropped some of his food, with his eyes wide. "Did I say something wrong?" She asked timidly, you and Atsushi immediately started shaking your head

"How long have you thought that for? And to answer your question, strictly no.  He is my boss, just like he is to Atsushi" you laughed, which internally you weren't... you were shocked that she thought such thing

"Oh, you guys seemed closed.  Do you like him?".  Atsushi laughed, though you saw worry on his face, "Not really, but he is an interesting person" you said honestly ...and he's amazing as sex

"Now now, you know that Dazai doesn't love" Atsushi tells her, and she nods agreement
"I can very much agree to that" you said, making sure you say that without a hint of disappointment

Atsushi then cleared his throat. Why the fuck is this so awkward, oh my gosh

"You guys know th-"

Your phone buzzed inside your phone, making you quickly grab it before the ring ended. Like you always do, you just answered without looking at the caller ID

"Is this Miss Y/n?" You heard a familiar voice, immediately you rolled your eyes

Fuck this shit

"ah, hey Officer Miles...give me the address" you sighed loudly, and he sighed as well. "I know damn well you tired of this bull crap...but um he actually was very close to killing himself this time. Just come real quick and do your magic" he tries his best to convince me to actually go

"Fine-" you grunted and the hung up.  "Something wrong Y/n?" Atsushi asked innocently, and you laughed... then deadpanned

"Yeah, totally don't have to go get half-alive Dazai"
"Ohhhh, he...he" 

"Yep... sorry to leave y'all"  you added and started to grab your stuff

Author's Note:  writers block is real y'all... point is, I hopefully won't do that as of now??

[Not Edited]

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