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"Oh my fucking gosh, you are Osamu Dazai?!" This girl around our age actually had the courage to go and talk to Dazai, so you kept your distance and just 'walked' like you weren't with him

"Yes, I am" he said and grabbed her pale hand and kissed it oh damn . Honestly that was pretty normal considering he did that to any woman that walked up to him, he did that to you too all the time as well

You always wondered why the security never said anything about it. Of course while that happened the woman seemed to side eye you, and you dumb ass looked her way at the moment. That annoyed the hell out of you
Who the fuck does she think she is?

Yes, jealousy started to invade you as he started conversation with the woman. So you stopped following him and just went in some random place, you took the minute to breath deeply and just calm your nerves
I am so overreacting you thought, which in a way was totally true

After a few minutes your phone rang in your purse, you took it out and of course Dazai was the one calling you, you picked up immediately

"Yes, Mr Dazai?" You said patiently. "Hello my love, where did you go, I swear you were behind me a few minutes ago" he said
"I was" 

He laughed from the other side "So then why did you leave, you can't roam the big city alone without me you know?"

"I can actually, I could even buy a ticket back home and leave" you teased him
"And why would you do that?" His voice getting a bit annoyed "I don't know, but I'm getting homesick" you lied

"Yeah right, We will be leaving tomorrow anyways,  no need to hurry things up. Come back, you know where I am already, same spot" he said

He hung up, you sighed "Always so persistent" you shook your head, and went to where he was

And there was the man standing, surrounded as expected, only making your eyes roll. At this point you were just being petty

You went over to him, making your way into the crowd of women "Ah, Mr.Dazai, finally found you! Where will be going right now?" You asked in a low voice, but enough for some to hear

You felt the weird looks and gazes, but you didn't care. "I don't know, where would you want to go?" He asked

"Anywhere, somewhere peaceful perhaps?" You said giving him some serious eye contact which intrigued him a lot

"Um, who are you?" This one girl asked poking you in the shoulder "his assistant" you responded plainly

"You were his dance partner for Ball night?" This other woman asked from the crowd
"Yeah, I was" you gave her a small smile

"Oh wow , you are one lucky girl. Oh and you looked really pretty, gorgeous in fact. I would never pull out something the way you did ma'am" she said, her aura showing off really bright

"I-thank you" was all you were able to say of such compliment, it felt amazing to hear such thing from a random stranger

"I see you're enjoying yourself" Dazai whispered in your ear as all the girls started talking to you
"I- no, that's just a really nice compliment" you said in your defense

He then clutched you in his arms, getting a good grip of you " Ladies, as much as we would like to stay with you guys, we have some things to attend" he said out loud

Many nodded and started to take their leave
"Now what would you like to do Miss Y/n?" He asked you his eyes staring deeply into yours

All you could possibly think about was about last night, the way he fucked you and all
"You good?" He asked, but of course he was thinking the same thing, wanting to do it once more again

"Uh, yeah" you said shortly and broke the gaze
His right hand was on your waist as you guys walked, of course the people who didn't know that I'm his assistant are giving you weird looks

"I think we should go back to the hotel..." you told him honestly
"Why? Wanna fuck or...?" He smirked as he whispered that in your ears

"Haha, very funny Mr Dazai, but no. It's the weird looks that are kind of annoying me, so I think we should go"
"Hmn, I see, but let's go get you something to eat at least" he said and yes, you were hungry

It was obvious that he had already been here, he knew a lot of places here already, and knew stuff for the most part

He got you a good drink, a thick burger and a big pretzel, then again it wasn't ordinary it was fancy

It made your mouth water as you stared at the food in your hand, it looked like the food from Pinterest you would see and wished you ate

Dazai chuckled "your cute when your hungry"

You cheeks heated up at the comment, but there was nothing to say to it
Y'all got in the big car and you guys were driven away to the hotel

You unlocked the room and went directly down to the big table and sat down with the food, you just couldn't wait till you ate the crispy pretzel with everything on top of it

"Does food usually get you this happy?" Dazai asked in amusement of your bright face expression you had as you ate

You laughed "Not all the time, but I guess. I've never really ate anything like this before"

He stayed silent "I'll take you out more then" he put on a smile, then grabbed your unused hand

"Come to think of it... we had a whole date today" he said you think?
"I don't know about that, more like an unofficial date"


"Well, I enjoyed almost everything of today" you smiled,

Your bright warm smile lit something in his heart that Dazai didn't understand but was really scared of

Author's Note: School started almost a month ago, which means updates will be slow :( but I won't give up ofc <3


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