15-𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈

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Good Morning

You had totally forgotten to put an alarm on, and well Dazai wasn't planning on having one either... another thing he wasn't planning in having at the current time is kids

He had a weak pull out game, no matter what
You were both too into the moment that you both forgot the fact that he came inside you and well there was a big chance of you getting pregnant... also you both were a little too young still to be parenting

After a long night, you woke up in bed, but didn't get up right away. You felt sore from your legs and that made you not want to get up

You flinched when you felt his hand go over you and press lightly on the side of your stomach over the bed sheets
You couldn't tell if he was awake or not
You hoped he wasn't awake though

"Miss Y/n" he whispered in your ear sending shivers down your spine. Never had you imagined his morning to be this... arousing

You slowly turned around to him, immediately making contact with his chocolate like eyes
He was resting his head on his left hand with a light smile across his face

"You're beautiful" was all he said. This melted your heart and you gave him a bright grin, your cheeks getting a little hot

He had gotten close to your face, but it was the morning, you were not about to kiss him
So you kind of dodged him, but that didn't stop him from kissing your neck

You gasped since it took you by surprise
He smirked mid-way of kissing your neck, and as expected, after a few seconds he had found your sweet spot
With that you covered your mouth and moved away from him , reaching the edge of the bed

"Mr Dazai!" You told him and he laughed at your reaction
You shook your head and sighed, though he knew you were dying of laughter in the inside

You got out of the bed and headed for the bathroom, you brushed your teeth, and got a towel from the bathroom

Then you took a shower, but locked the door cuz you knew damn well he would go inside and fuck you right then and there

It felt really relaxing, but only he came to your mind
Everything he did to you came to your mind as the hot water ran through your body

It was kind of driving you crazy how much you wanted to re-do it again
His delicate touch, his kisses, his long-ass fingers, his...
"Ugh, fuck" you got yourself back into reality

It just really was driving you crazy

After the shower, he hoped in the shower as well. You took the time to change and look casual since it was free time and you guys were going to look around LA and just have fun

That though made you excited since you had never really been in LA looking around and seeing stuff you didn't see in New York

Of course, as much as you would have liked to dress comfortably you kind of couldn't

Dazai was a well known person, and being around him meant looking nice and presentable. You sighed at the reminder

So you put on something that fitted what you had to look like. He then got out of the shower and you got out of the room and it only took about 5 minutes before he got out all dressed and still drying his hair with a towel

It looked messy and curly, most of his hair strands in his face dripping water. This looked hot
But then again, when was he not :)

"You ready?" He finally spoke to you snapping you out of your intense stare toward him
"Uh, yeah...for what" you gulped down as your heart bearer faster

"To go out of course!" He smiled and tapped your head then whispered "unless..." inside your ear

You laughed "Uh, no we'll go look around the places. "Don't think about this as a date" you reminded him
"Fine, but your lame" he whined and y'all walked out of the hotel room


It wasn't as early when you two woke up, but the sky was pretty and warm. The sun shines through out the whole city making it very hot of course. That annoyed you very much

Dazai was really feeling it this morning, so he didn't care of keeping a low-profile at the moment

Of course once you both started roaming the city, there were gasps and looks and some attempts to try to talk to him, but were too shy

You just kept a little distance and your head down low, because it just felt weird and awkward, really awkward

So until you got it together the rest of the day was gonna go like this....

[ unedited]

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