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It had been a few days since Dazai told you the important event that was going to happen in a few days.  As he basically promised, he was taking care of everything

The next day after he told you, he brought in someone to take your measurements for the ball dance dress
Dazai of course, didn't want you to see the design or anything. Not even for his suit (you found that very annoying)

You both also had to learn some of the daces that had to be danced on that night
It wasn't all the complicated since it was classical music and not something fast

But all you could thing of was how on earth Dazai was going to do that since you both didn't practice together

"Do you have everything ready Y/n?" He asked while sipping a bit of his coffee
"Yeah, I have my suitcase all ready, and I am wearing what I'm taking to the airport and stuff"

"Already? We aren't leaving until 7 at night" he said drinking even more of his black coffee
" I know but I don't feel like going back for a few hours just to come back. Also, I just left a note on the kitchen island saying that for work purposes I need to travel for about 4-5 days" you explained

"Hm, you really do hate being at home then" he said quietly
"Pretty much"

"Ok then"

You saw why he would think you would go back home. You were dressed like a regular day at work, maybe even more fancier
Not like you would go at an airport regularly with sweats and a hoodie
But if you were going to be around Dazai, you basically had to look nice even on the plane

As there was silence in the room the door unlocked itself and then opened
Kunikida, Atsushi, Ranpo, along with the little ones: Kyoka and Kenji

"Hey guys" you formed a small smile as they all came in
Why are they all here?

Dazai just waved at them as they all gathered around
"What happened guys?" You asked

Kunikida cleared his throat and pushed his glasses more up
"Well we thought we should give you two good luck" he said not looking at you in the eyes

"Oh?" You said

"Yeah, we won't see you for almost a week since when you come the weekend comes. And we also hope that you guys don't have any trouble over there" Ranpo told you guys with a pleasant smile

"Aww, y'all are too sweet. Thank you" you gave a happy smile
"Of course Miss Y/n!" Atsushi gave a checkup smile and thumbs up

"You don't need to say the 'Miss' Atsushi, I already told you" you told him
He scratched the back of his neck and nervously laughed

"Hehe yeah I keep forgetting"
"Also I'll miss seeing you both Kenji and Kyoka. I know it's only for a few days but seeing you two make my day" you told the two who were currently really quiet

"Same Y/n" Kyoka said really quietly, almost like a whisper
Kenji just nodded with a smile as he hid behind Ranpo

They weren't that much of kids but you saw them like they were your younger siblings

"Well we wish you guys a good flight and maybe a little fun" Atsushi added as he turned around to leave

"Same here, now you two have fun, but not too much k? This is strictly for business and charity work. Dazai, don't do something dumb" Ranpo reminded him as always, something you found funny and cute

"Yeah yeah" was all Dazai had to say to that
Once they left there was the silence again until you decided to speak

"We shall then work and finish everything so we can get ready for our flight. Are you sure that you have everything under control?" You asked him

"I think so? Our outfits for the ball dance will be in Cali when we get there. Everything will be arranged like I was told and half like I want to. Of course making sure you are comfortable, my love"

"I love how you keep repeating almost the same thing. As long as nothing overly bad happens I'm good" you said



"Is this all your bringing ma'am?" A man asked you as he held your suitcase and put it somewhere
"Yeah that's it, thank you" you replied
He simply nodded and disappeared

You guys were walking through the airport, but mostly following Dazai. At this point you were now outside seeing a huge plane, clearly it was a private one of course

Dazai seemed chilled as always, it took a while to walk all the way to the plane. When you guys did reach it, you took the stairs to go inside

It was all so beautiful and neat. Definitely more classy than first class on a regular plane
This was honestly the fanciest shit you had seen in your life so far (in person)

"Nice huh?" Dazai asked as he sat down in one of the leather chairs and patted the seat next to him

You went and sat down before you answered him
"Yeah it is, I didn't expect anything less Mr. Dazai" you smiled and secured the seatbelt across your waist

There was table with all types of assorted snacks and games to play
It felt kind of cool to be in something so fancy for the first time

Maybe bring his assistant isn't so bad

After everything was settled the pilot informed Dazai that the flight would take place shortly and it would take about 6 hours to get there

Honestly you were planning on sleeping for most of the flight. In fact you could actually sleep in the flight since there were small beds at the back

But... you were with him and that would be awkward

"Do you usually travel Y/n?" He asked you and turned to you
"Not exactly, unless I have to go somewhere with my parents" you answered his question truthfully

"Really? Hm"


" you aren't tired at all, you should rest or you will be cranky when we get there" he said
You laughed awkwardly

"I don't know, what about you?"
"Don't worry about me, I don't sleep that much anyways"
"That explains a lot"

"Yeah, but I really insist that you sleep Miss   Y/n, if you want you can lay on me" he flashed you a smile as your eyes showed shock

"No-no, That won't be necessary, I'll go sleep later. Anyways, you will be uncomfortable and I don't want that"
"Ok! That is completely fine!"

"Haha yeah" was all you said before it went silent, except for the noises of the plane taking off

You looked away from him because it would be weird in so many ways
Because for a while there was that tension that made things weird yet you both never really talked about it

Author's Note: damn, I'm on a roll with writing
Feeling extra inspired 😌
This doesn't usually happen so... you guys lucky???
hopefully things will get good soon lol

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