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Learning Stuff


"Ok, so oh! sorry please sit down!" he smiled and offered a chair, and you sat down, and he sat down on the other side of the large desk filled with books and files

"You might find Dazai weird, and no he doesn't have a split personality per say"

he read my mind

"He is very serious in work, but he can be um... suicidal as well and a bit crazy minded"

"Oh ok"

"Yes, so don't be surprised when the police calls you at random times because of that"

"got it" you were taking mental notes as he said these things

"Yes, this job isn't as easy as you think. Here though we have the 'main people' or main leaders, like managers! I am part of that as well.... Also take this seriously, no crazy stuff, also don't involve youself too much on his private or outside life!"

You nodded "May you explain more please" I need to know as much as I can

"Yes Of course!" he smiled

"Well, he might go out with a girlfriend or something. Use that as free time! We needed a woman assistant for special events that require woman instead of gentleman. Feel safe, everyone here is friendly..
I could start off as your friend here!"

You gave him a small smile, "Thank you..."
"No problem, and just call me Ranpo is fine!"
"Oh ok! Is there anything else I need to know?" you asked

"Well from me, I don't think so... Dazai, I think should tell you on what you are doing as a working matter" he said

I though you were supposed to tell me

"One last question"
"Go right ahead!"
"Did he tell you to tell me all this"
He chuckled, and put both his arms behind his head and smiled

"No actually, I am telling you this from what I feel like I should tell you, or warn you on. Though I know he called me here to tell you what you will be working on and etc."
"Oh I see, so what do I tell him...?"

"Oh that! Just say I didn't explain in depth and for him to tell you instead"
"Ok then! Thank you so much Ranpo. I really appreciate it!" You said with a gentle smile

"No problem, you might be shy now, but later you'll get comfortable. You're a cool person     Y/n, I know that" He smiled closing his eyes


"Yeah.... I'll take my leave now then. See ya around" you said and stood up waving at him, then going for the door
"Yes! Don't get lost!"
"I won't!" you loudly said as you were a little more further away now

You smiled "The people here aren't so bad" you told yourself
as you got in the elevator after walking towards it, and pressed the floor 108 button to take you back to Dazai's floor

The elevator opened and then you saw the huge glowing like floor. The atmosphere felt the same, yet a little more empty

"Um, anyone here?" you slightly raised your voice not wanting to yell, walking slowly turning to check any signs of people

No response...

"Ok then", you just kept walking down the hall
I should check Dazai's office
You walked over to the closed door, and tried to enter which was a fail

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