8-𝑨 𝑺𝒖*𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒍 𝑴𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒂𝒄

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A su*cidal Maniac

After working for a little of 5 months, you had learned a lot from everyone. That is what you thought though..

Your phone vibrated loudly from your pocket, you wondered who it was since you told people not to call you during working hours

It better not be Dazai telling me to do something stupid

You answered without looking at the caller
"Yes?" You asked, as you sat down in your chair patiently waiting for Dazai to come back since he said he was going to do something or whatever

"Is this Miss Y/n, and Mr. Dazai's assistant?" A man asked, you stood up. "Yes it is, do I need to pass a message to him?"
"No actually, we need you to pick him up" the guy said with some concern in his voice

"Pick him up? What happened?" You asked merely confused on what was going on
"He tried to commit suicide by central park"

You eyes widened with shock "He WHAT?"
"They don't call him a suicidal maniac for nothing you know? This might be his 100th attempt"

"Yeah, but I thought it was some type of inert joke..." you said to yourself quietly
"Ma'am did you say something?" The man said,
"Uh, nothing. I will be there shortly then, Central Park in the entrance then"

"That's fine Miss Y/n" the man said and hung up
Oh my fucking gosh

You then looked for your purse, and got your car keys. You were worried, and wondered on why he would do such thing
He had never done this in the 5 months that you have been working so far

You rushed out of the office and into the elevator, then into the parking lot
You then checked out of the parking and headed out the Central Park

Beforehand, you had put on the GPS because it's not like you knew the City all that well
It was just a few minutes away, but the traffic was going to make the ride longer

You sighed thinking of what could he have possibly done to try to kill himself, but at the same time you didn't want to know


You saw the small group of people around the entrance of the park. It took a little while to even find parking since it was full, but you made it

Immediately after parking and turning off your car, you got out and crossed the street to where the door people were

"Are you Miss Y/n" the man with the same voice of the call said. You shook your head "I am, where is Mr. Dazai?" there was alarm in your voice

"Oh right here" he said and moved to the side to show Dazai lying on the floor like he hasn't hit his head hard which is currently bleeding from one side

Your eyes widened at him while his formed a big ass smile like always

"Mr. Dazai, what were you fucking thinking" you intensely stared down at him
"Well you see-"
"Well you see, my ass. We are going to the building" you dragged him up as he whined

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔸𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕥 |𝑶.𝐷𝐴𝑍𝐴𝐼|Where stories live. Discover now