13-𝑩𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆

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Ball Dance

A/n: you may either press on the music rn, or wait until I tell you :3
If you wait, just imagine some piano music playing for now

Right now you were enjoying yourself a lot, though you hated the fact that people kept staring at you

"But where did you get this woman, Dazai" Chuuya asked Dazai as he stared at you, you not noticing
Dazai immediately grabbed his face and moved it to him

"Don't stare idiot" he told him. Chuuya half closed his eyes making an annoyed piercing expression

"I mean you guys aren't dating right? I could-"
"No, don't even think about it" Dazai sighed
"She's amazing, you don't see something like that often, the fuck you waiting for" Chuuya's voice beamed

"I don't know, I think I'm just scared" he said looking away from Chuuya's eyes
"Scared of what you bastard?! What could possibly- oh" he stopped his sentence

The air changed between them, which only lasted 5 seconds. "Well that is your problem"

"Anyways , Chuuya whose your partner?" Dazai asked the gingered man
"Oh, Leya Shai" he said shortly

"What?! Why? You also fucking her?" He asked him

"No the fuck is wrong with you bastard! She said you declined her to be your partner for tonight so she asked me. I had trouble finding who I was going to bring anyways, my assistant didn't want to come" Chuuya shrugged

Dazai laughed at him, making Chuuya go furious
"Ok now leave, we'll talk some other time. Dumb ass Dance should be starting soon I think so bye-bye" Dazai waved at him with a huge grin

"Bye idiot, see you" he groaned

"Y'all done fighting?" You approached Dazai, you had heard nothing of the conversation, just watched their expressions through out their argumentative conversation. Making you enjoy yourself to the max

"Yes, my love" he looked in your eyes with intrigue and admire

That was until there was loud tapping coming from the speakers, making the room go quiet

"Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the annual Ball dance charity event. Thank you all for coming to such great evening, all of the participants will be asked to step forward in a few moments" was said and you and Dazai looked at each other knowing you guys were participants

"They do this annually?" You whispered to him in the ear
"Yeah, but I never came last year because I didn't feel like it" he shrugged

You laughed at his ignorance, "what changed this year?"
"I don't know"
"Oh wow"

After you two talked for a few minutes all the participants were asked to step towards with their partners
This was when your anxiety starting to strike, and you felt nervous

This was on the fucking TV and on some social media platforms, scary for a 'normal' young adult who no one knew

"Shit, I feel so fucking nervous Mr Dazai, like you don't understand" you anxiously told him as you guys walked to the big floor with other partners

"Don't be, I'll probably be the one to mess up" he laughed
" please don't say that"

You guys practiced a lot, surprisingly even Dazai, only to impress you of course

"Our first dance of the night:"

A/n: you may press the sound now 💓

The delicate sound of the violin and other instruments started playing, you both reacted how you were supposed to

Staring each other dead in the eyes, looking at no one else but each other
This music was one of the fast ones

He held your waist as you both moved accordingly to every soft beat, he held your hand tight, moving from left to right and back to left. Then you both moved forward being kind of hard trying not to step on each other

sadly there was still no twirl, that was until :now. The music transitioning, getting softer until it became quiet for 1 second and went on to the next track

As the violin did an up bow, Dazai maintained the perfect hand position as he twirled you and held you with the other hand and back to the same steps as before

This felt very magical , indescribable, the music made the moment feel even better

He had never looked at someone the way he did at you, you guys' chemistry was so penetrating it had everyone looking your way

All the tracks went in sync, switching from one to the other, it felt as if getting faster and faster. This whole time you both had not said a word to each other since the dance started

There was barely space to say one word, the moments, the air, the dance, the stares, the music everything was going to intense

And that was how you felt yourself nearly falling for Osamu Dazai
The night went on with the dances, everyone was amazed. You totally forgot about the media, it was completely blowing your phone, your friends were texting you like crazy about what they were seeing

Somehow you two weren't tired, all the excitement had you two in the moon
Then the event finished and you two arrived later to the hotel

And that is where we are now

[ Unedited ]

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