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"Really? Finally!" You said, "Why are you so excited for a fingerprint?" He asked
"To be honest I don't know, but I just am" you explained "hm"

"Ok, so this should be easy" he said and you both went outside the room, in front of the door

The low bun you had was making you feel a little uncomfortable, so you let it go and kind of shook your head. It felt like a relief, yet it kind of hurt when you touched your hair
I should have my hair let go more

Dazai looked back at you to see what you were doing. It was the first time he saw you with your hair let go, he was surprised somehow, once again you felt his stare and looked into his chocolate eyes

"What" you said crossing your arms. "You're pretty, thats what" he said and turned back to look at his phone. "Haha thank you, but what exactly are you doing in this moment Mr.Dazai?" You asked, confused on why he was on his phone

"Looking at how you do this?" he tilted his head staring at his phone. You laughed "I thought you said it was easy"
"It is, but I'm lazyyy, I just want to jump off a bridge right now" he closed his eyes smiling

"Nice, very, nice" you said unamused. "Now, don't get to desperate Miss Y/n" he faces you once again, immediately turning back again

You just stayed quiet. Dazai swiped stuff on the small screen, and then he grabbed your hand, the your thumb and pressed it on the screen. It was so quiet, so all you did was stand next to him

He kept holding your hand for you, making you kind of start day-dreaming. Dazai stared at you, your face, your hair, your lips, every feature that you had visibly

His mind was kind of going crazy, but he tried to be mature since that is what he had told you before -professionalism-

"Done!, that's it" He broke the silence, snapping you back into reality. He let your hand go slowly. "Thank you Mr. Dazai, it should now be a little easier to get inside" you smiled at him "Of course my love"

"Well now, I will be going to Ranpo's to get that file. I'll be right back" you said and walked away. Dazai waved his hand high in the air, wiggling his fingers, then put that hand in his pocket

You went in the elevator, this was pretty normal. Always alone inside, sometimes even scaring you a bit


You got off the 97th floor, and went over to Ranpo's office. You briefly just stood there before grabbing your ID card and unlocking the door.

When you went in, you saw him sitting, with his glasses, paying very close attention to some books. "Ranpo! Good Morning-Ish" you greeted him

He looked up and smiled, taking off his glasses. "Y/n! Good morning! How are you?" He asked, smiling his way through his sentence
"I'm very good, how about you?"
"I could say the same, just trying to figure some stuff out, but before that, you need something right?" He asked

"Indeed, that file Mr. Dazai asked for?" . "Oh yes!" He pushed himself in his chair, and looked inside a drawer and took a orange file out. He handed it to you, "here, this should be it. Now tell him that I said not to be foolish, and control himself before he does something stupid"

You laughed, "Ok, I will, see you around" you said and got out of his office, and back to the elevator. You patiently waited until the movement stopped.

You got off and this time when you reached Dazai's door, you pressed lightly on the code screen and it opened. You smiled and for a second wanted to laugh as you saw it worked

It really wasn't a big deal, yet you made it seem that way
"I'm back Mr.Dazai" you said and went over to him and handed him the file
"Yay! Did he say anything?" He asked

"In fact yes, he did. He said to um, to not be foolish or stupid, and to control yourself. I am not even going to question, but that Is what he said" you burst out laughing

"HAha, very funny. He is so mean" he sighed "Well, you are a little crazy" you barely whispered the comment. He moved his chair over to you and grabbed your neck so that you could be very closed to his face " Now how the hell am I crazy"

"You are, maybe just a little. Not that I have been present for any of it though" you tried laughing it off "Y/n, I am joking" he laughed and let you go "Ok, ok" you smiled, yet in the inside you were completely confused

"Anyways, I just want to remind you that on the 23rd we will have the meeting being held by Kunikida... which brings me to a question"
"And what is that my love?" He leaned back in his chair

You rolled your eyes "Why doesn't the CEO do these meetings?". "Well because, I suck at them. So I make him do it!" He explained "Damn, that is just sad. But in a way I know he feels great about, I honestly have too many questions for you guys"

"First of all, it is not sad. Second of all, what questions?"
"I don't know, just questions. Mr.Dazai please do your work, I don't want us lacking behind" you gave him a good stare in the eyes

"Time is everything" you added showing him the time on your 🍎 Watch on your wrist
"Yeah, yeah, the more seconds past, the more you are closer to your death. Soon enough, soon enough" he said closing his eye loss

You were even more confused by that comment, but didn't ask knowing very well he wouldn't exactly answer it

"Y/n, would you like to go drink with us today?" Dazai asked out of no where. You thought about it for a second "Yeah, sure" because why not, you would have to go to the house when your parents were asleep

"Yay! I'll text the group chat then" he clapped his hands together and grabbed his phone from the desk. You shook your head smiling and facepalmed

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