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Your hand slides up his black tie, tightly adjusting it around Dazai's collar, his gaze fixed on you, while you look at him back and down to his tie. You smile, giving his tie one last tug before you drop your hands to the sides

"Let's hope all goes well in this interview. Since you haven't accepted one in a while" you laugh nervously

He gives a side look "True.... But like, it's because interviews are annoying as hell, crowds sometimes give me the ick too" he shrugs, slightly fixing a few strands of his thick brown hair

"I can imagine, but for me- just that fact that thousands of people could be watching is a big No" you say truthfully, anxiety would quick in faster than the flash himself

"I feel like I've been through scarier things to say that this isn't bad" he scratched the back of his neck

You laugh "And what would that be?", you raise an eyebrow walking over to the other side of the room "Chuuya"

"Oh my God" you burst out out laughing. It reminds you of how much you miss that ginger head shorty.  "Now that you mention him, I miss him" you whisper with a small frown; sitting on the bed, resting one hand on your lap and the other on the bed

"Miss that idiot?! Ew" he gives a face, shivering in exaggeration.  You roll your eyes in exchange "Jealous much? At least he has more personality than you ever will" you joke, trying to hide your laughter

"Whatever-" he huffs.  It then clicks you that this guy needs to go. "Dazai, you need to get out of here- or you will miss your flight" you urge, getting up from the bed going over it him and pushing his way out to get out of the room

"Oh- you are right about that" he says getting his car keys and sliding them into his pockets. "I'm nearly always right" you tell him with a smile

His steps pause mid way of getting to the fancy stairs. "If so, do you think I'm the right one for you, if that even makes sense" he says, turning his head back to lock eyes with you

You also stop your tracks, processing the words he just asked you. He was in fact, the most important person in your life right now, and he was the person that you saw every morning m, every day

"I am going to say yes to that" you warmly tell him, and you can almost feel a sort of relief wash over him in that instance

"Come here". You make your way over to him and he pulls your body closer to him, until there is any space in between he two of you. His hand makes his way to the side of your waist, his eyes not leaving yours one second "I'm going to miss you Miss Y/n" his voice coated in honey, making your heart race against your chest

"It's only for a couple of hours, you won't even think about me" you counter. "You don't know just how much I think about you daily" , the both of you two can't help but break into a smile

You pull his tie, pulling face even closer to you until he kissed you a sweet goodbye kiss. "Now go, you are going to miss that plane Dazai" you gently push his shoulder and get him going, giggling along

Once he leaves and hear the door click, you can't help but sigh out loud with a joyful smile. Being happy with him was truly something you are so utterly grateful for, Dazai was weird, but he was still special in his own way

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