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Mixed Feelings

This Contains Sexual Content

You backed away as he got closer.  It was a pretty scary image, as his serious face manifested upon you, making you go into deep pity.  At this point all you could do was stay quiet and hear what Dazai had to say

He bored his eyes, "You can sometimes annoy me, Miss Y/n. I'm not fucking  stupid, something is wrong with you... do you feel ok? Are you in need of some medical help?" He asked with impatience, obviously still mad

"Of course not!" You said loud and clear with a hint of anger in your voice.  He looked down at you "Are you perhaps pregnant?"

You looked at him in disbelief, opening your mouth but closing it immediately; not saying anything.  "D-do you want me to be?" Was all you said.  He gave no response back "just asking, because maybe that would explain your weird ass behavior lately" his hint of anger in his voice grew more

"Look, Mr Dazai I-"

"Shh, I told you I don't wanna hear it.  And this time go home K? Don't want you saying no this and no that.  You need a break, take it for all I care" he sighed and turned around, starting to walk away, not giving you a breath for explanation

There was a sudden impulse that came upon you. A sudden urge of anger that ran cold through your veins.  More of the fact that he was demanding to send you home, which you did not want to go to

You grabbed his hand, grasping it forcibly; pulling it, yanking him backward until he faced around.  This slammed him against the wall, your faces in close proximity, your angry face staring at his peaceful one

"Mr Dazai, I told you I don't want to go home.  Yes, I am not at my full capacity at the moment, but that doesn't mean shit.  Now please if you could not be so, so-I don't know with me please" you say with a sigh

With a mere laugh he spoke.  "Always knew you were a strong woman, fucking love women like you... but my love, my answer is simple: no" he looked into you smile a bright, cheeky smile, which slowly creeped you out, it was so masked 

His free hand grabbed a hold of you neck, slowly he traced lines against your skin as he caressed and touched the sensitive skin of your neck.  He stared at it in awe
"M-mr Dazai, what are you doing?" You asked quickly pulling away before he did anything else

"Ah, nothing.  There was a strand of hair on your neck" he said and held up a strand of hair of your color
"Oh.." you said looking away and getting further away from the man

"Anywho! You'll be thanking me later, so go home and enjoy your day or something.  Clear your fucking mind, I don't know" he shrugged, leaving your side and plopping himself in his chair

"Ok then! Don't expect me to come tomorrow though, and please don't bother to contact me either" you smiled and with that you grabbed your things aggressively and stormed out of his office, then the building

"Feisty this one..." Dazai said to himself once you left his presence, with a chuckle at the end

"Now where the fuck will I go?" You sighed out loud, your head looking down at your feet as you sat in your car doing nothing, staying there in the parking lot like an idiot

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