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What You Think About

Last night you couldn't stop smiling about the conversation you and Chuuya had, since the interaction was very unexpected. It was nice though able to see him again, and start a good connection (in a friendship way of course)

Though right after going back to the hotel, Dazai was waiting patiently at the door, and asked where you were. Even though it was kind of out of no where, it felt good to know the he cared...about something

Of course, it still felt weird and awkward. Dazai though didn't seem to feel the same though. Now, at this moment you two were getting ready to go to the airport and fly back home to New York

"Mr Dazai, do you have everything? You didn't leave anything behind?" You asked him as you folded a blouse and put it nicely in your suitcase.  "I think so, I didn't really bring much.  Do you know how badly I wanted to bring a knife and rope~" he whined and then threw himself on the bed

The bed, gosh this bed will for sure be a memorable bed. You had to admit to yourself that every time you looked at it all you could possibly think about was how you both had sex on that bed R.I.P your thoughts at night

I wonder what he be thinking about all day?

"Miss Y/n? You good?" Dazai asked as he flipped over. He snapped you out of your thoughts and you just nodded "yeah, just kind of thinking" you said

"About what?" His curious ass asked you. "Things" "hmm"


"Mr Dazai?" You whispered to him tugging his shoulder as you guys walked into the airport
"Yes, my love", you stayed quiet for a few seconds "Do we really need this much security? Don't you think it's a little too much?" You gave a constipated smile

"Your so cute, but I don't know. Kunikida is always telling me how I never have the security 'required' so" he shrugged and kept walking

"Kind of makes sense... you went over though this time Mr Dazai" was all you said then after a few minutes of walking and struggling with heels

After a few long minutes of walking y'all reached the plane.  The people took your bags and made you guys go inside, it was pretty chilly and during the day it was always hot as hell, something you complained a lot about during the trip

You plopped yourself in a seat and sighed loudly.  The whole thing was pretty tiring, you knew that once you got home you would knock out hard.  "Tired too?" Dazai asked from the distance

"Yeah, your tired as well?" You returned the question.  " I guess so, but not that that's going to change when we go back.  Work, work, and fucking work" he slouched down his seat

Of course you noticed that all the time, how tired he was.  There were many times where you saw him sleeping in his desk, and just see that tiredness in his eyes.  But what you most saw him doing was dozing off and day dreaming

What does he think about?


𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔸𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕥 |𝑶.𝐷𝐴𝑍𝐴𝐼|Where stories live. Discover now