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Eat something

"Y/n are you sure getting late home won't be a problem" Dazai asked in plain curiosity
"For me no, my parents though it will , and I don't really give a fuck, and excuse me for my language, but I really don't give one damn fuck, they can, they can... nevermind" you realized you went overboard

"Issues" Dazai faced you, you were looking down at your feet "yeah, issues"
"It's ok my love, today we will get you drunk and what not, special treat from me k?"

"Yes, I will have fun, hopefully I don't go all crazy like usual" you laughed. Just thinking about your parents killed your whole mood

The amount of times you got in trouble this week by your dad was incredible.  For you verbal words affected you more than physical hits


Going out to drink was getting you anxious to just go all out, and forget everything that had happened this week

"Mr. Dazai, I believe you haven't ate, so go eat something please. Not to be offensive in any way, but you are are already very skinny" you said trying not to be rude to him, because you were low-key scared of him

"Hey! How would you know Ms. Y/n, you haven't seen my body at all!" He crossed his arms

"Well, this is just something that Atsushi and Kunikida have told me a lot before, and I feel like they are right" you defended yourself

He sighed "whatever, Also I don't think you should be talking, you only drank coffee and a donut, and that isn't food is it?" He have a devilish smile

That sure backfired

"No it wasn't food, so Yeah, we both have to eat something" you sighed "what you don't like to eat either?" He laughed thinking your exaggerating

"No actually, I don't really get all that hungry"
"Ohhh, then let's die of starvation together" he smiled. You shook your head "No Mr. Dazai, that doesn't mean we are going to die because of that, don't be so harsh on yourself"

"You wouldn't understand my love, but let's just eat something, shall we?" He said standing up, then holding out his hand out to you

"Fine" you grabbed his hand and you stood up, him pulling you as well
"What though?" You asked, going behind him to follow

"Not sure, though you know who probably has something good?" He said. "No, who?"
"Ranpo or Atsushi, always bringing something delicious" Dazai licked his lips

"Yeah, especially Ranpo with all them snacks and sweets. He's adorable" you commented, and smiled

Dazai paused "Do you like him, by any chance?" He asked. You were weirded out by the question "As a friend here yes, but I don't have feelings for him and Mr. Dazai. I am being completely honest right now" you explained

"Hmm, ok!" Was all he said Um what?

"Mr. Dazai, I think I am just going to get a bagel from somewhere, I'm suddenly craving some right now" you said and he stopped walking

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