11-𝑨𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒗𝒂𝒍 & 𝑯𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒔

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Arrival & Hotels

Everything so far was fine, the flight wasn't going all that bad
It was the first time in your life that you had experienced something so... luxurious

This was his life, yet somehow you could feel he wasn't happy. He was empty in the inside, those smiles were barely real
You knew that was most likely unchangeable and one question always appeared in your thoughts when thinking about this

Would I be able to change him?

Most likely not, because then again he was probably unchangeable. But somehow you were ok with that

"We will land shortly"the nice pilot's voice said through the speakers of the plane
Your eyes burned as you hadn't rested through out the whole trip

You were waiting for Dazai to knock out so you could as well, but that never happened
He really 'doesn't sleep' all that much

Neither has you guys talked that much, Dazai kept eating some cherries and playing around with a knife in the air

It was giving you anxiety, but you didn't say anything
since it was his plane he could bring whatever

All these thoughts were making you very anxious, you had to take a breath
"Mr. Dazai I'll be right back. I'm going to the restroom" you said and got up your seat

Once you got there you let out a deep breath
Honestly you didn't know what was going on with you and him

You put water on your face to cool you down a bit even though the temperatures were already perfect

You then opened the door just to see Dazai's face right there
"Mr. Dazai, uh, what happened?" You asked nervously

"No, what's wrong with you Miss Y/n" he got closer making you back up into the restroom as he walked closer to you

At this point you were against the wall and he was dangerously close to your face
Don't stutter

"Nothing Mr. Dazai, I just needed some air that's it" you answered without looking in his eyes, which to him talked a lot

"Yeah right, I'll let you go, but tell me if you aren't comfortable" he said and backed away

"Uh ok, we should go back. Plane arrives any second"
"Hmn" and then you both sat down

After a few minutes of silence the movements and sounds of the plane indicated that it was closer to the ground
You looked at the window and saw the city below you guys, though it looked like it could rain soon too
It was dull, not much sun. Made you feel kind of gloomy somehow

"Arrival, thank you Mr. Dazai for flying with us, have a great trip. See you in a few days" the lady on the speakers said

Dazai simply smiled and got up, making you stand up as well
The door opened and there already some people there taking the bags and stuff

"Mr Dazai your hotel was already booked, that is our destination for right now" one of then men told him loudly
"Ok" was all he said back

We were lead to a car, you were sleepy. Your eyes kind of burned since you did not rest through out the flight

But then you didn't want to prove Dazai's point of you being cranky


"I can't believe I am actually meeting you!" The blond lady told Dazai

The receptionist had been flirting with him for a few minutes by now with him
It was pissing you off

You regretted saying that you were just his assistant and didn't care
Maybe if you would have said that she then maybe wouldn't be flirting with him at all

But Dazai just kept flirting back while you just stood there like some dumb bitch

"May I have your number?" The girl asked him with a seductive voice while twirling a hair lock in her finger, she looked like she could Devore Dazai's face in that instance
It was low-key scaring you

He laughed "no my dear, but you can come to my room late at night" he whispered, but loud enough for you to hear

You weren't facing them so you just rolled your eyes
Not that you were in such a hurry, but at this moment you wanted to just sleep and get your energy back because tomorrow would Be the "big day" as you called it in your head

"I would love that" she whispered back to him
This was making you nauseous as fuck

"Well I have to go and rest so see ya" he waved at her
"Bye bye" he added

She waved at him and ignored the fact that you were there. You just followed behind like you did most of the time

The room that was booked was in floor 5, one of the more luxurious and expensive rooms of the hotel. According to the annoying receptionist it was a really big room with lots of stuff

Of course to get there elevators had to be involved... something you had been avoiding since what happened to you last time

"You first" he said as the elevator doors opened
You silently went in, it felt weird
He knew that

You could feel his stare so you turned to him
"What's wrong?" You asked him returning back the question from earlier
He just shook his head

Then there it was again, that desperateness
You both looked at each other's lips as if it were Something rare, never seen before
As much as you tried to look away you couldn't

You wanted to know how they tasted like, how they felt, how they felt against yours

The thoughts weren't shaking off so easily
But his thoughts were a little worst
But you looked away when you remembered what Ranpo said and how you wanted to keep professionalism

But a thing kept ticking your insides and made you burst out a dumb question

"Why don't you kiss me when looking at me like that? Isn't that what you want?" You asked without looking at him
I know I am stupid, but asking won't hurt

"I can't, It would get messy. And anyways you should not be talking Miss Y/n, since you look at me the same way"

"Barely, but oh well" you shrugged

"Oh well, my ass" he was indeed more desperate then you, he just hid it

The things he wanted to do to you were a bit crazy, but he had to contain himself from laying a finger on you

But he was going to use this time in Cali to know you a little better

[ Unedited]
Chapter 12 might be long just saying :D

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