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Annoying Thoughts

"Shit" you sighed under your breath, as you put down the black pen and paper down. Today was a really busy day.  It had been about 2 whole weeks since you got back from Cali, and because you both were out for almost a week so much work had accumulated.  You weren't even that concentrated when doing work

So many things on your mind it was driving you crazy. Dazai on the other hand was actually concentrating and was doing work pretty quickly. Something that was kind of stressing you out more and more, never had he beat you in doing work;  You were always ahead in everything

"Miss Y/n, if this is too much for you, you can take a break for now. Go home?"  Dazai said from the other side of his table, resting his head on one of his hands as he looked at your stressed self

Hell no

"No,no. Thank you Mr Dazai, maybe just a small break but that's it... I don't really feel like going home today" you short laughed

Thing is if you went home, there would be a fight... sort of.  Since you came from Cali you had been avoiding them, but were caught last night and your parents were mad saying how could you leave like that and other shit that really hurt.  Especially that you were on live TV and what not and probably bring a whore being an embarrassment.  So no, you absolutely weren't going home right now

"Ah ok my love" he said and went back to work, pushing up his glasses a little whilst writing down important things and typing afterwards

You stood up, leaving the office to take your small break to refresh your thoughts.  You laughed at the fact that you always ended up having a moment were you were stuck on bad thoughts

As you were in the elevator there was a slight smile that brightened up your depressed face. Thing is sometimes you struggled on deciding what exactly was Dazai to you . Because clearly there was a line that was crossed and that kind of changed things, but at the same time you guys agreed to not cross it again

Is he my special boss? Or a good co-worker who is my friend?

Either way, the thoughts and mental notes made you smile to yourself, then got off the elevator. You were just roaming around the building

Then just decided to go outside in the last floor. You opened the door, also making sure you don't lock yourself out, though you had also brought your phone just in case. The soft sweet air around you was penetrated by your deep breathing

Slowly walking to the cement surrounding, leaning against it, seeing how high in the air you were felt almost scary, but at the same time you thought well I could just jump and well...
The thought was tempting, but you weren't trying to be in that 'dumb state' of yours

As you lost yourself in space, the wind hit your face many times, the wind currents were stronger where you were. You didn't mind as it felt refreshing, it made you drift more into the unknown

Vibrations were sent through and it you blinked, checking who was calling you. It was Ranpo

You quickly answered, bringing your phone up to your ear, stepping away from the edge of the cement around you. "Ranpo! Hey, what's up?" You asked, biting a little bit of your nail from your free hand

"Y/n, I know you haven't been up to your best lately... but that might have affected, or impacted things..." he said in a low voice, and you dropped your free hand, knowing damn well you messed up in something

"What did I do?" You asked eagerly trying to know what you had caused because of your tormenting thoughts and what not

"Ok,ok, don't stress it out. We all make mistakes, of course it isn't bad that you might get fired... but Dazai is pretty pissed" Ranpo said from his side of the line
No because now I really am freaking out

"Uh- so what did I do" you said in a really low voice, biting harshly at your thumb
"Y/n, you messed up papers, as well as orders from Leyshan and yeah. You also mixed important paperwork that involved the very important meetings that the higher ups have... just what is going on your mind Y/n?" Ranpo said with worry

"Shit, many things... I'll see what I can do then..." was all you could possibly say, you now have to look for a way to save your ass
"Just be careful, cuz he is in a bad mood because of you" he said and the hung up

He wasn't necessarily mad, since he knows damn well you aren't a sloppy or slow woman when it came to work. But he noticed immediately, that since you came from your little trip, many things seemed to go through your mind. And he imagined well on what could it possibly be, of course he did no mention of it to neither of you two

You hurried back inside, running down the staircase instead of taking the elevator.  Shit, shit, shit.  I swear I did everything correctly and in order then how???

Almost panting you pressed your finger against the small screen, the door unlocking itself and you locked eyes with Dazai, his eyes full of rage

"Mr Dazai I swear th-" you tried talking until you were cut off
"Save it" he said harshly, no smile, no nothing.  It reminded you of your first days when he would get mad for your small mistakes

"I gave you many opportunities to try to fix your little personal mess" he said, not blinking once, not letting go of your gaze
He sat up, and walked over to you, he removed his glasses

To be continued


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