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A Talk With Ranpo

"You need to stop doing things like this Mr Dazai... you might actually end up killing your self one day" you sighed as you got some bandaids and bandages out of a drawer

This time Dazai was trying to kill himself in a "non-hurting way" like always but failed, accident hurting himself

While he was laughing his ass off about it, you didn't find it amusing at all.  "Miss Y/n, what's wrong?" He dared to ask with a devilish smile on his face. You sighed "Why do you always do this? We're you always like this... not trying to be rude about it or course" you said while you applied some cream and finished wrapping up the wound

"Always, now don't ask why. Also haven't you tried before? I-"
"We are done talking Mr Dazai" you said sternly
"It's not something I am ready to talk about openly to you, not now.  And I'm really not trying to be a bitch right now... but it's best if we don't speak as of right now.  I'll hand these to Ranpo right now" you said giving him a look that said you were serious

He simply put his hands up, basically saying "fine", and with that you grabbed the folders and left the office

You sighed out loud, hopping onto the elevator making your way to Ranpo, you honestly felt like you needed to talk to him... about Dazai


You slightly knocked before entering.  Ranpo looked up from what he was doing and his serious face quickly turned into a small smile when he saw it was you

"Hey Y/n! Long time no see", you laughed as you walked inside closing the door behind you. "It's not like that ok? I just, I've just been busy lately" you sighed and your smile dropped

"What's wrong?" He asked intrigued on what was going on with you. " Not sure... just a little confused with my feelings. I'm not sure If I should tell you this, but-"

"You had sex with Dazai" he cut you off, and you were left with your lips parted; in shock.
"Wait,wait wait, how do you-"
"Know?" He laughed whilst he watched your confused look

"I hate to break it to you, but he is one to tell these types of things. But then again; I wasn't too surprised. I predicted this would happen sooner or later. It's alright though Y/n, its just sex...either way you two still are able to keep it professional during work right? I know I warned you and all, but I will still warn you not to fall for him, he isn't one to love. I think thats something you already caught on" he explained

So many thoughts shattered through your mind in an instance. You sat down in a chair in front of his desk. "Y0ur right, it is just sex. I-I think I'm overthinking it too much" you laughed at yourself while you put your hand in your forehead. "I always overthink everything" you said in disappointment of yourself

"We all do that Y/n, it's ok" Ranpo reassured you, but felt sad because he knew you felt other things. "Can I ask you something Ranpo... if that is okay with you?"

"Go right ahead" he said with a smile. "Do you know why he is the way he is? Like why is the reason he doesn't love?" You could hear in your voice that you were desperate for answers

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