My final AN <3

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If you've reached the end, I want to tell you
Thank you
Love you

I want to start of with saying that I didn't think I'd make it here, or that any of you would. I have to agree that it's EMBARRASING that I've taken THIS long to finish hehe

Maybe If I put it this way... as a (26-12) year old, I low-key have it hard because *cough* school.  I mean, idk but personally I get really lazy. And since I consider myself a good student and I have to go to church (💀), I don't have the time

I would always try to squeeze in time to write, but then it felt so forced, and I always try to deliver to my best, I TRY.  I'm still getting the hang out of writing. I got writers block sooo damn much, to the point where I felt like discontinuing this book at one time

^ it's So embarrassing that I started this in 2021... it's it's 2022 and a couple of months. Over a year and a half for me to finish this, it's not even that much chapters 😭

To the people who have read this since I only had like 6-10 chapters, I want to tell you how much I appreciate you.  And to those who would comment nice things, it gave me soo much motivation to keep on writing.  I need to get used to writing more often... if I do plan on writing another book

It's weird the way I get ideas for books, I have a really big imagination. I can be listening to a song and I get a whole ass book idea. When I first thought about this book I only had the first 6 chapters and after that was "adding on". Tbh, the oh ending SUCKED omg- why did I think of such awful thing hahahah

Oh- one thing that DEF slowed me down were smut chapters... guys, I've never even kissed a man.  Let alone be touched by a guy (not that I can tbh).  So it took a lot of uh, watching and reading other stuff to try to make it somewhat readable,.
Very sorry if it sucks, now you know why

What consumed most of my time was genshin, I've been addicted to this game for over a year, enough about me.  I just really want to say Ty for being with me on this long journey <3

I talk too much 😂

This is it, Dazai and Y/n are now engaged 💍

Bye guys, until another book
Bye and love ya


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