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New Home

*a lot goes on in this chapter, A LOT*

For a little Backround on the events that occurred after the incident :

They all made it safely back, with no troubles. Dazai had Dr.Yosano check up on any injuries you may have gotten
Everyone then went home, Dazai angrily contended Chuuya to make sure that he wasn't part of Akutagawa's plan

He wasn't, in fact he informed Dazai that Akutagawa was punished heavily for going on with his plan without actually consulting Mori

Back to you,
You did go home... but many things sort of went out of control. And your parents, cut the time of you moving out to 5 months from that time. Technically you still had a year left, since your birthday was a little soon, and you were going to turn 20

In a way it made you happy that you would be out of your parents hands, but you weren't prepared to move out this early

5 months Later

You stared deeply at your bed, flashing memories of your childhood was all you could see when staring at it

Looking away from it, you sighed and quickly thought about life for a few minutes. Things never turned out good in your life, but you were ok with that. Only reason: because you accepted that. "Fuck life honestly" you said out loud

You then proceeded to go back and forth from
Your room to your car, putting the boxes of clothes and items in. At last, I can move out of this environment, of this home, and of this old life

You then left, not looking back once at that old house of yours. Then headed off the city of New York and going back to work- already running late....


"Good Morning Atsushi!" You sped walked past him waving with a smile.  "Morning!" His right aura beamed at you

You weren't exactly looking when you bumped your self with Kunikida.  "Oh Gosh, so sorry.  Morning Kunikida" you say nervously as you pat down your shirt as well as his.  "Morning" he says with no emotion as he bends down to grab his pen

"Still writing in your book of Ideals?" You ask quickly and he nods.  You could see as his ears turn quite pink, but you quickly head on to the elevator, desperately pressing on the button to go to the last floor

"Morning Miss Y/n" you hear multiple times as you get off the elevator, you give them smiles in return and quickly step your way to the turn, in which you press your thumb lightly on the screen, then unlocking the door automatically to let you in

You see a passed out Dazai, nearly drooling all over his papers, with his headphones on, and a pen sitting nicely in between his fingers
"Good Morning to you Mr Dazai" you say and sit down in your chair, a very rather comfy chair you always look forward to sitting in

You take out folders, the laptop, a pen, paper, etc.  Only to then sit there and just gaze out the huge windows that make the walls of this room.  You stare out slowly loosing time as you think just what the hell are you going to do since you haven't gotten a place to stay yet

It felt really good to be working knowing that you didn't have to worry about your parents being on you all the time.  Oh wait-

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