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~"Oh! I am so sorry did I scare you?" the same person asked
You turned around and to your surprise

It was Mr. Dazai~

You were a little in shock
"DAZAI YOU IDIOT!" Kunikida came and slapped him in head
"whatttt" he whined
"That is NOT how you introduce yourself! Look now you scared her"

"-weird" Atsushi whispered, finishing his sentence

They all had their eyes on me
"Um, Hey" I said quietly and bowed a little

"Hi! I'm Dazai, nice to meet you" he smiled and gave me his hand
You shook it and gave a small smile

wow, him in person

One of the first things I notice is the fact that he has bandages around both his arms and neck , I wonder if he got hurt recently

"So she's the new one?" he askes Atsushi
He nodded
"yes! We just finished  showing her around"

"I will be showing this floor, my floor~!" he sang and skipped around

You turned to Atsushi coking your head to the side in a little confusion
So much happened in a matter of few seconds

"You'll be fine, he's just like that. Never know what he might do"

"Come!" he said motioning his hand so that I went over to him
I did as he said and went behind him, about 2 feet apart from him

He lead you from one room to another showing you around in a nicely polite manner

"This is my office!!" he said and skipped into the room
You slowly went in looking at the biggest room so far
All the 3 walls were just see through glass
I walked over slightly touching the glass

It looks amazing, the view is undescribable, I can't put it into words
I can't even imagine how it must look at sunrise and at night

"It's beautiful isn't it" he said from behind, making you jump a little
You were so deep into the view you forgot about him

"It is" you said clearing you throat
"Yes!! Can I say something?" he asked
"Your pretty"

I felt myself blush a little a little though you can't really see when I do
"Thank you" you smiled

He knelt down, and this did take me by surprise
"Would you be wi-"

Out if now where Kunikida came rushing over and smacked Dazai to the floor

"Whyyyyy" he whined rubbing his face which was now red
What is happening

You just stood there quietly, feeling very confused on what had happened for the past few minutes

"Miss l/n, I am so sorry, DAZAI here can act very different sometimes" he said as Dazai jumped back up smiling, his expression kind of changed to a more serious one

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔸𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕥 |𝑶.𝐷𝐴𝑍𝐴𝐼|Where stories live. Discover now