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Office Duties

This contains sexual content

"Dazai?" You ask interrupting the silence between you two. He moves his head up and then takes his eyes off his papers to then look at you "Hmn?" He humms as he turns his full attention to you

"What do you consider we are as of right now?"

He stays silent for a few seconds "I'd say whatever you want us to be. Unless.... you have something else in mind" he simply smiles giving a hint of pure sweetness in his eyes

The words go right up to your stomach, making blood rush up to your ears, color tinting your cheeks slightly as you avert your eyes from his gaze

You let out a small breath and let it go, continuing your work on the screen in front of you. "Why do you ask?" He says smoothly, his head tilted to the side slightly with a cheeky smile

"Uh- nothing really. I mean we stopped strictly being  'boss and assistant' a long time ago" you say, he cocks his head to the side even further "Meaning.. that we are co-workers with benefits" he smirks playfully showing his pearly teeth while at it

"...yeah" you say with a quick nod ignoring his smirk and continuing to tap the keys of the keyboard below you

"Say.... Wanna have sex right now?" He says out of the no where, playing around with those fingers of his.  Your eyes widen turning to look at him in shock. "You said what?"

"Sex, my love" he repeats, "At work? I don't think so haha" you look down at your fingers nervously. "It sounds fun if you tell me, and now that I think of it we've never had office sex before" he looks at you with a devilish smile

"It doesn't sound bad, but it can get messy and too..." you start "hm, now that I think of it you are quite the loud one in bed" he twirls a strand of his hair "hey!" You snap at him quickly "But don't worry about it, my curtain walls are soundproof and so Is my door- I don't have cameras in here and I can have the door so that no one can enter right now" he makes a list of pros and you sigh because you can't exactly counter now, convinced

"Do you really want to?" You bite your inner lip with an eyebrow raise, "want to? I would love to" he says, almost about to prepare "Get ready because I'll make sure we leave a mess" he grins

The next thing he does is stand up from his chair, you follow his eyes until he is right up to your face. He gently takes his finger and lifts your chin up to make the perfect angle for eye-contact

He leans in and his hands place softly to the side of your jaw, closing in on your lips as he plants a sweet kiss on you, you take his lips and kiss him back. As the two of you kiss, you start to get more rough on him, putting your hand on the side of his neck to deepen the kiss, him then sliding his tongue inside of you

He could feel the hotness in your mouth, the liquids and wet tongues swirling around each other. Wanting more of the sweet warmth, he uses both hands to hold the sides of your jaw, the passion running between you guys's bodies. The tension in the air getting thicker the more his body makes contact with yours. Just thinking about the things he might do make your body start to feel rather hot. His lips have always you driven you insane anyways, sometimes you feel like he is too young and hot to be real this day in age

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