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A Small Talk

"Can I ask you a question Mr. Dazai?" You quietly asked him from the other side of the table as you two read a book peacefully

"Go ahead Miss Y/n" he said back not looking up from his book

I don't think I should...

"Never mind". This time he did look up from his book to see your half- not really concerned expression

"Are you sure?" He asked "yes"

After a few minutes of silent reading, you broke out in a yawn
"Your sleepy already?" Dazai teased
"Haha, it's the pill. I guess this could be a side effect of that" you explained

"Plan B, because someone has a weak pull out game" you burst out in laughter
"Very funny Miss Y/n, but I just really despise condoms" he rolled his eyes

"I imagined that was the reason. But it shouldn't be happening again... we crossed a line that we shouldn't have Mr.Dazai" you said slowly, you honestly felt bad for breaking the promise with Ranpo

He stayed quiet for a second, and then shrugged "Well, it was nice having a piece of your personal time" he said shortly before leaving your presence

That was easier than I thought

Though, if you were being honest with yourself, you wanted more of him, a lot more

But if you didn't want problems in the future, this was your best choice, and it was better if you took it

He could find someone else... for sure

Even though that thought made you feel a little better, it really didn't help. You sighed and just let the thoughts go away

This can never get more awkard 

Right now, you just felt like avoiding him, and focus on other things more important than Dazai

You could hear him from the other mood, he was talking on the phone, pretty loudly

You started to figit around with your fingers, you were feeling very desperate for something, more like to leave

"I think the flight is at..." you drifted, so you stood up and stretched a bit before heading out again. It hadn't been long that you two were out
But you really needed to catch a breath

The dark blue took over the sky and the stars gleamed, as well as the bright yellowish moon
The night looked pretty, though the buildings and city lights took over that beaty for the most part

This whole time you had been in California, but never realized how pretty the nights could be, in appearence of course

There was still an ugly feeling of not being accompanied by someone rather than your own soul

"Excuse me Madam" you heard the same voice you heard on the Ball dance

You smiled knowing well who it was, so you then turned around to face the person

"It is a pleasure to see you again Mr Chuuya" you said in a low voice knowing that he is also very fanous which meant keeping a low-profile

His lips formed a sly smile, his hair looked almost red because of how dark it already was outside

"What might you be doing alone in such a place" he broke the silence . You gave a smile with a barely hearable laugh "Not sure to be honest, just felt like getting a breath" you sighed

"Hmm, tired?", "No, just this whole week had been crazy and hectic as fuck. Sorry for my words" you said. He laughed at you , then looked into the sky

"I know well how that can be, I'd honestly do anything to go back to when I wasn't known" he said in a low quiet voice

You smiled at the sky " sucks being famous sometimes right?" You asked. He nodded
It then stayed quiet for a while light wind passed through the city

"Where is he?" He broke the silence. Obviously taking about Dazai "In the hotel talking to someone I think" you shrugged "Really? That's actually surprising. He isn't one to talk on the phone unless two things" he raised two of his fingers in the air

"One , he has too, or two ; some shit is up" he wanted to laugh. Dazai really is ignorant
"You like him don't you?" He poked your shoulder saying the question in a teasing voice

"No actually, don't get me wrong though he is a very cool person... I just don't think I like him in that way, I mean I don't think I do" you answered honestly

"Deep down you definitely like him" he smiled at you . You gave him a face expression of disbelief . "Um, no actually. In fact, I feel like you two have some sort of relationship... I kind of ship you two" you gave Chuuya a cheeky smile, teasing him back

Now he gave you the same disbelief face expression you had, only with a little disgust
"I fucking hate him" he rolled his eyes

"Exactly, that's makes it cuter. Like an enemies to lover's quarrel" you explained, still teasing him

"Your annoying" he whined, which made you laugh. "I know I am" you smiled at him

And in that moment you both knew, that the two of you would have a really good friendship

He scratched the back on his neck "It's kind of getting late, my people will be looking for me soon" Chuuya said
You nodded "Yeah, I guess it's time for me to head out as well, I really enjoyed our small talk though" you said

"Of course Y/n, you can talk to me anytime you want. I'll surely answer you" he gave you a wink
"Are you sure you aren't gay?" You teased him once more. He  face palmed

"Just kidding, I'll see you around then in New York... our flight is tomorrow"
"Oh, mine isn't until next week. I want to stay here for a bit"

"Ah, ok then. Any message for Dazai?" You asked. "Yes actually, tell him 'You suck 204, he'll know what I mean" he said in reassurance

Weird... "ok, I'll tell him" you said and he went in for a hug which you gladly accepted, it surprisingly didn't feel weird or awkward in any way

"I know things will turn out good, I know" he said and with that the ginger head left

[ unedited]

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