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Another Day

"Y/n, this job of yours...it pays you good" your mom said with a straight face, ready to attack you with her sharp words

"Well yeah mother it does, I'll have enough someday so I can leave when I'm 21" you gave her a nasty glare
"Don't you dare go there" she said slightly raising her voice
Bitch you said it yourself, I'm leaving no matter what just two or so fucking years, I'm out motherfucker

"I will be getting ready mom, IF YOU DON'T MIND" you left her alone in the kitchen
"Thank GOSH my dumbass father isn't here, cuz I swear" you said under your breathe as you hurried up the stairs to your room and locked it, almost slamming it as well

You had learned how to stand up to your parents, they would do anything to try to get on you, their only daughter
But they told you once you were 21 you had the choice to leave and never see them again

They laughed when you first said yes "Y/n you think you could make a living for yourself with out your parents? You really are stupid" was all they said

You hated them. Absolutely hated them for making your childhood miserable
That is why you got as many jobs as you could, to escape. But it would never be enough, that is why being a personal assistant caught your eye. Having to not be home every single day

"Shitttt" you said rushing, barely putting on your flats, running out the door to your car
You got in, and started the car "I'm going to be late for sure"

You were running like 5 minutes late, but that was bad considering you had to get to the city, then the traffic and parking
No make up either, I was only able to do my hair, damn I'm maybe really am stupid

As you drove your way to the city, all you could think of was how you would probably get in trouble, especially by Kunikida, this is my 5th week , yet it seems like my 2end somehow, damn


ID card: Recognized

"Ok now... the elevators" you sighed, starting to speed walk to get to the elevator on the first floor

You got in, and pressed on the 108 button to get you to Dazai. You always got there on time, yet Dazai always got there late, which annoyed you a lot
Punctuation was important for you, when it came to a job

It felt like almost 20 minutes being alone in an elevator, going to the last floor
You checked your watch seeing as it had only been about 2 and a half minutes since you got on the elevator

You went over to his office door and inserted the passcode today I'm getting the fingerprint
The door unlocked itself and hurriedly, got in putting your stuff down on the floor, and hanging your sweater on the coat rack
"Well you're in late" You heard a laugh from behind you, almost making you jump

Of course, not surprising it was Dazai, he is late, but I'm later
"Yeah, yeah I know, I'm sorry about that" you said given an apologetic smile to him
"It's ok sweetheart, don't stress" his smile grew wider

You rolled your eyes, it was a habit of his to say random things like that to you
"Don't, you know I come from far" you said fixing the baby hairs, making sure the low bun wasn't to loose or to tight
Low buns were what you felt was "right", and was the only hairstyle you had used since you got here

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