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This contains Sexual Content

Another day, another handful of tasks at work. You had to admit, living in such luxury is so different- yet every time you wake up you feel like the main character of a novel. It feels so , so I don't know

Dazai wasn't lying when he said he barely stays at his own house. It is pretty rare to see him at his own house, because after work- he has more work. So you two tend to part ways. You go home , he doesn't. And that is how it be like 90% of the time

You finally got used to living there, after all it's been a couple weeks. Maintaining the house wasn't that hard either since the ladies for cleaning did most of the job. You were rather grateful to Dazai and didn't know in what way you could repay him, you had already tried giving him rent money; yet he refused to take it

In a way you understood that he was rich- rent that was probably a few mere bucks in his eyes; so maybe it was unnecessary. BUT! that just makes you even more frustrated in a way, like c'mon now just accept the damn money its not that hard

You had also thought of buying him something expensive or something like that- but then again. He probably has more expensive things lying around somewhere. Even though you lived in such big place, it was a little too big. Mostly because it mostly felt like only you lived there, so you would feel pretty lonely sometimes. You mostly spend time in your room and the kitchen, oh and let's not forget the huge balcony in the last floor. The last floor is your personal favorite floor

It has was rich people have. A big ass pool, a hot tub, and well the most capturing, delightful view. The view. In the morning, if you get the timing right you can see as the sun wakes up peacefully in the horizon along with the clouds. At night, the gleaming light, sparkles of the buildings. The flashes of the billboards up high, and colorful streaks of the cars passing by and the sounds that mix up and make the City's voice is something you love to see from up there

Yet in a way, it felt incredibly overwhelming to be in such place alone. You never go into Dazai's room, it just feels like a whole invasion of privacy. After all, he is still your boss and has the right to kick you out whenever he feels like it

"Soooo, tell me?" Dazai asks with that one face of his, that makes him look kinda dumb. "Hm?" you say without looking at him while writing a few things down. "Would you rather hang yourself with freshly new rope or jump off this building?" he asks with his hand under his chin, resting his cheek and face as he watches you closely, waiting for your response

You smack him with a stack on papers on that head, he frowns and rubs his head with exaggeration like if you actually hit him hard. "Please" you scoffed-" my answer to that is neither. Both seem like a pretty painful way to die" you say with a face and shrug. "Correct!" he claps with a big idiot smile on his face. You facepalm, shaking your head with a small with a small sigh. "You'll never change huh?"


Your shift was nearly over, you were in the bathroom- leaning against the wall in front of the big tall-full length mirror. Just scrolling through your phone, you looked up to see yourself looking back at you. You looked at yourself from your feet to your face and smirked. You absolutely loved the way you were dressed today- pretty fashionable If you say so yourself

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