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You stayed there panting, getting deep breaths.  You body was heated up and you felt how you were starting to get sore.  You closed your eyes, you were tired and just wanted to go to sleep at this point... that was until you met the moment of realization that you were completely naked on a bed with a man

Immediately you grabbed the sheets and covered your exposed body. You heard a chuckle leave Dazai's lips. "I just saw your whole body... there is literally no point" he said, his index finger traced gently the side of jawline, up until your cleavage 

"D-don't do that, and there is a point....It feels weird, stop staring" you pouted, making him laugh even more.  "We need the take a shower, we are sweaty" he said, with a smirk on his face

I know exactly what he has in mind

"No,no Mr Dazai, we are taking separate showers, I'll go first" you said and ran into the shower, ow ow ow, my fucking legs

You turned on the shower, putting it to a nice hot temperature before going in, rising your body and taking out the sweat and liquids you had, you sighed. Everything was so unexpected, and now you couldn't go back to a professional relationship. He is your boss, and you are just his assistance he decided to mess with, that was all there is to it

And you just had to admit to yourself, that was all there was.  The steam left your body as the hot water ran through your skin, and you washed off your thoughts with the water.  Trying not to overthink stuff

"I think you should go home Mr Dazai, there is no more need for you to be here now" you said to him as you crossed your legs in the bed, seeing him just stand there looking at you.   It was already late, and tomorrow was going to be another day of work, not to mention he goes in earlier than you do.  "I could stay here with you Miss Y/n".  You sighed "Um, no.  I'd rather not.... It's just in your best interest if you listen to me for once, please" you whispered

"Fine" he groaned "Only because your actually tired, I'll see you in the morning my love.  Bye-bye!" He said and with that he left the room.  For you it was kind of unexpected that he actually left.  This time you sighed of relief, and turned off the lamp on the night stand, then tucked yourself comfortably and finally slowly drifted into sleep

I could already seee me myself not wanting to go to work tomorrow.  Shit will be mad awkward.... And with those thoughts you closed your eyes and feel asleep


Quickly, you fixed your hair and grabbed your bag and headed out.  Going outside was a pain, considering how bright it was outside, and the fact that your eyes now hurt because of it.  You squinted, and made yourself to the car, then put the GPS to the big ass known building

"Fucking shit! I'm running a little late" you cursed out as you rushed inside the building m, getting a better grip of your ID, letting you inside the building

"Hi! Miss Y/n" you heard a quiet, yet sweet voice as you rushed to the elevator.  You turned around and looked down to see Kyoka, you greeted her.  "Heyy Kyoka! Sorry, sorry... I'm kind of late, so talk late-!" You said but then the elevator doors closed on you

My legs are sooo sore, why, why does Mr Dazai have to go horny all the sudden???
Oh gosh, and the fact that things won't be the same... like crap, the hell am I going to do.  I'm stressing right? Overreacting is more like it

You breathed in deeply, and before you knew it you were on the last floor, your floor along with his.  "Miss Y/n! Good morning!" Atsushi said as you got off the elevator

"Oh! Hey Atsushi, also what did I tell you? Just call me Y/n, we are basically the same age" you laughed. He scratched the back of his neck, as he sweat-dropped "Hehe"

There was a moment of pure awkward silence. "So thing is, I'm kinda late... gotta get to the office. I'll catch up with you later Atsushi, and can you tell Kyoka I'm taking her to get lunch with me?" you said and with that you waved and left his presence without waiting for his response

"Mr. Dazai, I'm so sorry... I forgot something so that's why I- ", a pair of lips gently pressed against your collarbone and neck, taking you by complete surprise. Since when was he next to me?

"It's ok my love, and you aren't that late you know?" He laughed and went to go take his seat with his paperwork in front of him.
"Y-yeah" was all you could respond back

You cleared your throat and sat down down in your seat. You flinched at the fact that your things felt tight and sore. "This is the correct paperwork for my mistake yesterday... um, I worked on it this morning" you said taking out a green folder out of your bag and holding out your hand to give it to him

He didn't take it though. You looked at him in confinement. "Come here and give it to me" he said in a simple mandatory type voice. You gulped down, and stood up... with a little pain of course

"Was I that good?" He smirked as you walked over to him. "I guess so" you responded, and he grabbed a hold of your waist. "I guess so? I could do better, let's see if you say 'I guess so' then" he said and your heart started to pound inside of you

"Just playing, you were... pretty good. But let's not talk about that please" you said quietly looking away from him. "Fine, but sit on my lap, and then hand me the papers"

"Wait what-"
"You heard me Miss Y/n, now here sit" he patted his laps. "Don't you think that's a bit out of line... we are at work" you said trying to make up excuses

He groaned "Why are you so complicated?" He said and grabbed you and pushed you down for you to sit on his lap. This was so random but it felt awkward, very awkward for you

You handed him the paper, ready to stand up once again, but he didn't exactly let you. "Nothing is gonna happen if that's what you are thinking... unless you want something to happen" he said in a whisper against your ear, sending shivers down your spine

He moved your hair out of the way and starting kissing your nape and going to the side of your neck, burying his face into your warm skin. Your breathing became more deep, and he smirked into your neck. His hand that was on your waist was now traveling down to your inner thighs, and you couldn't help but bite your lip

His soft like hands wrapped up, were always so delicate when it came to coming in contact with your body. His hand went even more down and you felt yourself heating up in every part of your body. Dazai started to kiss your jawline while he caressed your inner things dangerously, and you accidentally grinded on him a little, he let out a heavy breath

"Careful there Miss Y/n" he said and fixed your hair back to how it was. "Let's get back to work shall we?" He said with a cheeky smile, and you nodded, carefully getting off him, making you nearly want to laugh

Your heart though was still racing like crazy though, he was so mysterious. But he was talented in many ways, special ways as well
It made you want him more, but that isn't something that can happen, and you knew that very well


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