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To The Stray Dogs!

A couple of months Later

A/n- I am aware that certain places are actually in Yokahoma but... let's pretend like they aren't 😭 you'll see what I mean

"Get a room, Lord Jesus- actually just stop bothering Miss Y/n" Yosano says with a sigh and chuckle.  Gulping down her iced water, with a small eye roll.  Dazai was being a flirt like always, teasing you with his smile, and those hands that can never stay still

"He's always like this, such a child" you tease him, laughing along with Yosano.  Atsushi is quietly eating his lunch, next to Kyoka who is also eating a handful of food herself

"But aren't they already in a room?" She says quietly, stuffing a rice ball in her mouth.  Atsushi laughs a little nervously.  "They mean something else.  Don't worry about it" he responds to her in a calm voice.  She looks at him, and gives him a small nod

After a moment Kyoka speaks up again "Y/n, a long time ago you told me you didn't like Dazai" her face being the cutest thing ever.  You smile softly "I may have been lying back then, sorry" you whisper to her I was lying to myself back then too

"Oh" she simply says, unbothered.  She has to be one of the cutest girls you have ever met.  As that happens, Kunikida walks in and puts his hands on his hips, pushing his glasses's bridge up his nose and then tapping on the floor

"What are you all doing here, slacking?!" He nearly shouts.  That instantly kills the mood everyone giving out a loud sigh of disappointment.  Yosano laughs out loud "lucky for me I don't actually work here" she says stretching her arms slightly with a yawn

Dazai whines, like a child (once again) and completely ignores Kunikida's presence.  "DAZAI!" He barks at him and Dazai sighs, looking like he wants to end it all.  You nudge his shoulder, shaking your head at him.  He crosses his shoulder with a "hmp!".  "Sorry to disappointment you,KUNIKIDA but I have somewhere I want to go this evening.  I'm taking Y/n with me too" he emphasizes some of his words, he peeks with an eye to see his reaction

Kunikida's blood boiled a little, angered towards the lazy brown haired guy. Sometimes you didn't get the fact that Kunikida tends to act more of a boss than Dazai ever will. Ignoring that, you realized that Dazai hadn't mentioned to you any plans of going somewhere this evening, instead of asking him you keep quiet to yourself


"Where are we heading?" You ask, knowing well he was most likely to not say. Since he was a man of surprises all the time

You were starting to get the idea that the place you two were going to wasn't going to be the brightest. You didn't want to ask but it was killing you. He had dropped by a flower shop, but the flowers weren't for you- and for once in a while he was actually more on the quiet side

"To meet an old friend" he simply said, driving his way to the destination

After what felt like a nerve wracking drive (a long one too), he parked himself... near a cemetery. That's when you felt your heart drop right into your stomach, air getting stuck in your throat and your whole aura changing drastically at the view up ahead

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