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It had been a little while ago since Dazai told you that you can go home early and do whatever you'd like. Of course, you being you, you hadn't left yet

You just stayed in his office chilling, you didn't want to go home. Also you were dying to know who he went out with. You kept checking the news and local news as well, maybe the paparazzi would get him or something

In the meanwhile, you thought about calling your friend Reign. You were already on your phone so you just went and looked for her contacts in favorites and called her

It only rang for a few seconds before she answered. "Heyyy Y/n" she immediately said with happiness in her voice. "Heyy Reign, how are you girl?" You asked smiling hard

"Good I guess, I'm here bored doing nothing" she sighed. "Same"
"You aren't working?" She asked

"Well you see, Dazai went on a date. He isn't working which means I don't work" you explained

"No way, he should be on a date with you girl" she laughed
"Girl, shut the fuck up, I should not" you giggled

"Anyways, I called because now that I am free, I think we should hang out and talk about life you know?" You said to her
"Actually that's perfect because I'm currently in the city right now as well. Close to Dazai's building too!"

"No way, ok then. I'll meet you outside then" you said
"Reignnnn" you smiled hard as you both went in for a hug. "Girlll, I've missed you so much. I barely see you" she said
"Haha I know right, work" you sighed

"But do you like your new-ish fancy type job" she said as you guys walked and found a nice place of drinks To sit down in (has an umbrella covering the sun and giving shade)

"Kind of, mostly yeah. I mean it's an easy job I can say, But what gives most trouble is him. He's crazier than I thought"

"No way, like coo coo?" She asked
"Basically, he is a literal suicidal maniac. And in general he is feisty and what not. Almost like a little kid" you laughed remembering times like those with him

"Oh damn, but I think it's fucking crazy that you can even work with the famous celebrity. Have you fallen in love with the guy" she raised an eyebrow

You laughed "of course not you idiot. I don't think I would" you were low-key lying to yourself because you kind of had a liking towards him, thing was it isn't that big

"Barely believe you, what about hook up? Have y'all done that?" She smirked
"Hell no, he hasn't even tried, I think that's good. I may have only had sex once, but I think sex is scary, and you know he probably already has a girlfriend"

"Your probably right, but I really shipped y'all" she whined. She was always childish in a cute way, and you loved that

"Your crazy, you know if you want to meet him, I can have you meet him" you said and you saw the smile on her face

"Are you serious?"
"Yes, I think I can do that and he wouldn't be bothered. Maybe Kunikida would get mad, but I don't give a fuck about him. Lately, he's been acting weird around me like it's so weird" you laughed

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