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"Draco Lucius Malfoy where the hell are you taking me?"

It was the middle of August Devon was staying at Malfoy Manor for a part of summer while her parents along with the Malfoy's were in Scotland doing some "business" transactions and meetings.

The Manor was pretty dim with the sun now almost fully set and only the fireplace burning a dim light in the distance.

"Shh.. just come on Dev, what? Are you scared?"

"What? No, I'm not scared but it's creepy down there and your parents always told us we weren't allowed down there."

Draco Malfoy has been Devon's best friend ever since she could remember, before they started at Hogwarts together they were inseparable hip to hip. They were the closest two kids could be. She was his first kiss, his first crush and he was hers.

" Come on Sykes, there's more Firewhiskey down there, I swear!"

" Fine but we both know you don't need anymore." She giggled feeling the warmth inside her from the bottle of Whiskey they've been sharing.

They get down the steps into the dungeon but, instead of going straight into the cell, Draco takes a sharp left and down a small corridor where at the end of it there are shelves full of the alcoholic beverage.

" Ahh see Sykes we hit the jackpot, take one for yourself I'm not sharing this one and the other will be hidden in my room for another day."

Devon giggles at the blonde boy

"Ok Malfoy"

They start walking back up the steps into the den area but instead of going back onto the rug where they've been for the past hour near the fireplace, Draco nods his head to the staircase leading to the second floor where the rooms are.

"Draco it's getting late I think I'm gonna head to my room and go to bed."

"What? No, come on come to my room if you fall asleep I'll either carry you back to your room, or if I'm too drunk to do so I'll take the sofa in my room."

Devon sighs "Ok fine but your parents are gonna be back sometime tomorrow morning I don't want them to think something is happening between us or that I'm corrupting their son's innocence."

They look at each other and burst into laughter.

"Ok Dev I think we can both agree our parents don't think we're as innocent as we like to act"

She laughs again

"Yeah, I think you're right."

"Anyways they wouldn't mind it if we were sleeping together, they practically raised us to be mating partners to create the next generation of Malfoy heirs."

She gasps

"Well, not now we're barely gonna be in our sixth year!"

They laugh at that

In Draco's room, everything is of course clean and tidy, his bed is covered in the Slytherin green they both love. Devon plops onto the bed.

After another round of passing the bottle of Firewhiskey to one another, they decided to lay flat on their backs on the rug on the dark wood floors of his room.



"Have you- have you had sex yet?"

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