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It's Friday afternoon the day before the winter ball and the last day of school before winter break.

All the students are fixing up their final touches on their outfits for the ball Saturday night. Others are packing their bags to leave Sunday at noon for the train back to Kings cross station to head home for the holidays.

Girls are hanging out in the common rooms together or in their dorms discussing their gowns and their dates what they hope for during the magical evening.

The boys are talking about who they think is going to sleep with who, placing bets on who dances with how many girls and who finally gets the balls to ask their date to be their girlfriend or boyfriends.

Most of the boys at Hogwarts are understanding when it comes to other boys liking the same gender or liking both thats what makes the school and the houses feel like more then just students it makes it feel safe and your friends feel like more then just friends they feel like family.

Devon's heading back to her dorm so she could change into more comfortable clothes and warmer ones too since her and the girls are going back to Hogsmeade later.

Devon's walking by younger students brushing past them. Some notice her coming and instantly make a pathway for her scared to see what she would do if they didn't.

As she walked past she looked to her left for a brief second and when she did there stood a smiling Selene leaning against a wall talking to a completely stoned Adrian Pucey.

"Ahh Selene darling come on we have things to do today remember, excuse us Pucey you guys can chit chat later." Devon smiled as she pulled Selene along behind her.

"Bye Selene I'll see you tomorrow night!" Adrian waved to Selene.

"Bye." Selene gave a cute smirk and a quick wink definitely made to break hearts.

"Adrian Pucey? That's who's taking you to the winter ball?" Devon sighed.

"Yes Devon you may not like him for whatever reason it maybe but I like him, he's sweet and funny and he's a good quidditch player." Selene went on about the Slytherin boy.

"Ok I get it sorry you're right whatever makes you happy and if he treats you right." Devon sighed.

The girls walked down to the dungeons to enter their house. When they open the door to the common room they were greeted by Pansy Bella and Aurora.      

"Ah there's my beautiful little sister, come here you." Pansy smiled pulling Selene onto her lap.

"Hey Dev how was class?" Bella smiled.

"It was good nothing too bad I suppose." She shrugged.

"I'm gonna go change into something warmer and grab a coat and we can get going." Devon sighed as she spun on her heel to head up the stairs.

She walked into her room and when she open the door there stood a quiet Draco.

"Hey what are you doing here?" She looked around waiting for a response.

"Dev I don't know what to do, I fucked up I hurt her and I don't know what to do." He started to break down.

"Hey, hey it's ok come here." She brought him into a tight hold.

"I don't know what to do Dev, I hurt her all she wanted to do was be there for me and I hurt her. I feel like I'm running a race, I'm a little bit behind everyone else, it's like there's something bad around the bend that everyone else could see but not me. I'm drowning Dev I don't know what the fuck I'm doing anymore. I have the love of my life downstairs she doesn't even know I'm here, she's downstairs hurting because of me but because of how strong she is she doesn't let any of you see it. I hate myself for hurting her." He began to sob into Devon's shoulder.

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