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It's Monday afternoon, Draco is heading out of Snape's class and headed towards the library to meet with Devon and everyone else. Aurora is walking beside him her small hand in his much bigger one. He gave a little smirk thinking about how lucky he is to have her in his life, he still doesn't say it to her never wants anyone to see how vulnerable he is when he's in her presence. She is his weakness and he'd give up the world for her because he is not a hero who gives her up to save the world he is no Harry Potter and he won't ever be. He is the villain he takes what he wants and he won't let anything get in the way of what he cares for.

They turned the corner of the hall when he almost ran into Enzo who was walking the halls with Selene Parkinson. Draco didn't know how to feel about this, Enzo is his cousin more like his brother but Devon is his best friend and he saw her go through the break up she didn't have someone like Selene for her. Selene was there to distract Enzo from the breakup and if anything she might've even encouraged it. Draco knew Devon and Enzo's relationship was on rocky waters but he never thought it was to the point they would break up.

"Mate, haven't seen you for a bit." Enzo laughed giving a small punch to Draco's shoulder.

"Yeah well, I have a life or death thing going on so I can't go around making out with my girlfriend in the halls like you." Draco huffed giving a small smile.

"Ouch, I'll see you around Draco." Enzo smiled walking past Draco with Selene following beside him.

Maybe she doesn't necessarily have an inside to why Enzo broke up with Devon but Draco knows that she's not quite as innocent as she seems. Draco made sure to keep that as a side note and will later find out more on that topic but for now, his main issue and problem is the one with the Dark Lord. Devon and Draco are only one step away from completing their task which also connects to Mattheo's task that they don't know about exactly, they only told them to be ready and once they get the cabinet to bring the death eaters into the school they need to leave the come and go room as soon as possible.

Mattheo is everything Lucius wants Draco to be but he knows deep down he can never be that kind of person not ever. Aurora looks at him like he's has the whole world in his hands why would he break her heart by being the coldest soul to live alongside his own father, the dark lord, and Mattheo? there's already enough darkness in this world, and Draco wants to bring all the light he possibly can even in the predicament he's in.

They headed into the library where Devon sat beside Nora and Fred. Draco absolutely despises blood traitors and he will never erase this from his personality but Fred is the only exception he is the kind of person everyone wants to be good with he's a great guy someone Draco would like to be one day maybe not now while the dark lord is still relevant but if the dark looses and the light wins and Draco is still alive maybe just maybe he can be that kind of man.

"Ahh Draco, how you this fine day?" Nora's preppy voice woke Draco from his trance.

"I could be better Nor but I'm not horrible either, how are you?" he sat down across from her and Devon who was writing in her journal and listening to her music.

"Oh, Draco I'm doing great all my grades are excellent and I'm helping Hagrid and Luna Lovegood with the Magical Creatures in his class and it's going great! They're so beautiful and interesting I think that's what I want to study more of, and I've also been talking to Freddie's brother Charlie and asked him what classes he did we send letters back and forth, like pen pals!" Nora went on obviously elated with her newfound love, Draco sat quietly and listened to her but let his mind wander a bit.

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