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It was a long afternoon Devon had, after coming off the train to meet her parents who seemed pleased to see her.

"Ahh Devon my beautiful daughter." Tyrion brought her into a hug.

"Hello father." She mumbled into his coat.

"Alright Tyrion let her go now." Amanda sighed pulling Devon in my the hand to give her beloved daughter a kiss on the cheek pulling back Devon's fiery hair.

"You look beautiful as ever my love bug." Amanda looked down at her.

"Thanks mum so do you." Devon smiled at her mother.

They headed back out of the train station to head to their car. They threw in Devon's things into the trunk and settled down in the car heading straight to Castle Dawn.

The journey home was long Devon knew that so she made sure to charge her music player all the way so she could throw on some earbuds and listen to her own music.

This helped her to not worry about listening to the mundane speeches and the boring music her father plays in the car.

The continued the journey for another long hour when Devon finally looked back up at the scenery she could see Castle Dawn in the distance.

Home how she's missed it so much, the long beautiful sunny days she's spent there during the past summers and springs.

Maybe she'll bring Enzo here sometime soon she hopes when the world is better and the battle between good and evil are over.

Devon just like Draco and many of the other pure-blood friends agree that there is no need for the war they don't Believe in the same purity standards as the dark Lord.

They believe in love and peace and getting along and not just hating someone because of their family blood and history.

Even though Devon believes in these things she's not allowed to speak on her thoughts her father along with Lucius Malfoy believe in one way the way of purity.

What does purity even mean? Just down the road in any family tree it doesn't matter where you come from, that purity dissipates and it is no more. So there is no purity, not really at least.

Devon walked up to her room Matilda the house elf carried her things in behind her.

"Lady Sykes would you like me to bring up some coffee for you?" Matilda spoke with her little squeaky voice.

"Oh yes please thank you dear, there's no need to call me Lady Sykes I'm not my mother or lady of the house Devon will be just fine." She turned to face Matilda who looked at her in shock.

"I don't think I can do that ma' lady." Matilda gasped.

"Well don't call my lady Sykes, call me whatever makes you comfortable." Devon smiled turning back to her bag on her bed.

Matilda left the room going down to the kitchen to grab Devon's coffee.

Devon finished unpacking her clothes the ones she didn't want at school anymore.

She walked into her closet where she picked out more clothes for their stay at Riddle house.

She put in three dresses and a matching skirt and blazer with a maroon silk button up.

As she was finishing up her packing an owl flew into her room landing on her desk near the window. She walked over to the round brown owl. She plucked the letter from his beak.

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