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It's Saturday morning, Devon decided to get up earlier then usual to go out on a run.

She got up from her bed trying not to wake up Enzo who was peacefully asleep next to her.

She walked over to her closet throwing on a pair of gym leggings and a cropped pullover. She threw her hair up in a high ponytail threw on her running shoes heading over to the bathroom.

She looked in the mirror while she brushed her teeth making sure she fixed any flyaway hairs.

She came back out of the bathroom going over to the side of her bed leaning over to give Enzo a kiss goodbye.

She walked down the small hallway heading downstairs to the common room.

There was no other students in site, it's way to early in the morning especially on a Saturday all the students are trying to sleep in.

Devon couldn't though even if she pleaded her mind to ease back to sleep, she just couldn't fall back asleep so she decided to make this extra time useful and go for a morning run.

She walked out of the common room, she headed down the dim corridor into the big halls.

Once she got outside the chill of the fall weather hit her like a brick.

"Holy shit." She whispered to herself.

She started stretching out her back, bending forward and side to side making sure to warm every muscle in her body careful not to strain it during her run.

After she fully stretched out her body she started to slowly jog.  She headed passed Hagrid's hut seeing the smoke leaving his chimney as she jogged passed.

She ran around the perimeter of the forbidden forest her body still tenses whenever she's near remembering that night the dark lord called for her.

Her lungs were beginning to burn from the cardio she's getting.

"I need to cut down the smoking." She spoke between deep breath's.

She kept running she made it to the quidditch field she ran five laps around it.

She came to a slow stop, she was sweating and panting like an old dog.

"Lord help my lungs." She gasped out.

"Who are you talking to you?" A voice from behind her spoke, she knew exactly who it was.

"Mattheo, why are you up so early?" She turned on her heel to face the dark haired boy.

"I could ask you the same thing Sykes." He looked her up and down then looked away.

Devon noticed and rolled her eyes in disgust.

"I'm out on a morning run. So what the hell are you doing?" She looked at him.

"I was just taking a morning walk planning out more of our investigation. Speaking of which how's your side going along?" He looked at her with narrow eyes.

"It's going well I figured out his daily routine but the weekend routine will be difficult this weekend since I have a game later." She sat down on a nearby rock.

"Game? You play quidditch? Like actually play?" He looked back at her.

"Yes I play what the hell would I be there for?" She hissed.

"Well I didn't know they let the team whore actually play. I guess you learn something new everyday." He chuckled as he looked down at his hands.

"Excuse me? Did you just call me a whore?" She stood up now strolling over to meet him face to face.

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