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It's been almost a week since Aurora's birthday dinner, and now only two days away from Devon's seventeenth birthday.

"No Nor I really don't want anything this year I don't feel like putting up with throwing a party honestly it's ok we could just throw a Halloween party." Devon sighed as she plopped herself down on her bed.

"Hell no what's wrong with you! You're gonna be seventeen Dev we have to celebrate it just like we did Ro's." Nora pleaded.

"I don't know Nor I'll think about it ok?" Devon sighed.

"Yay!" Nora squealed.

"I only said I'd think about it." Devon looked over at her best friend.

"I know." Nora said with a small smirk.

"So I think I'm gonna spend the night with Draco Dev." Aurora said from her desk.

Ever since Draco declared his love for her at her birthday dinner she's been spending the night every other night with Draco. Devon couldn't complain since she had Enzo come over once in a while or she went over to his and occasionally Nora would come over instead.

"Yeah sounds good I think I'm gonna invite Enzo to stay the night." She smiled to herself.

"Aww how nice." Nora said in a singsong voice.

"You guys are so cute together always going out to read together and he plays the guitar for you! Ahh so cute!" Nora squealed.

"Yes oh my goodness you guys are so cute!" Aurora gasped.

"Thank you. The sex isn't too bad either Nora." Devon winked.

"Oh I bet, how big is he do you reckon?" Nora asked.

"Jeez Nor that's aggressive!" Aurora gasped at her best friend.

"Ha! It's ok, I believe and don't quote me on this he's about a seven." Devon smirked

"Holy hell." Nora smiled

"Godric Gryffindor may you save us all!" Aurora said as her mouth dropped open.

"Why how big is Fred?" Devon asked.

"He's six and a half." Nora replied.

"You act like Enzo is way bigger." Devon sighs

"Aurora what about Draco?" Nora asked.

"Oh Merlin he's seven and a half." She smiled.

"Well their all around the same size." Devon said to the witches.

"I don't want to think about how big your boyfriends dick is to my boyfriends when I'm having sex with him!" Nora squealed.

"Eww Nor she didn't mean that at all!" Aurora shouted. A look of disgust on her face.

"I don't even want to know what goes on in that brain of yours." Devon sighs

"Mental that one." Devon nodded  her head to Nora.

"That she is but we still love her." Aurora giggled.

The girls talked a bit longer in the room until it got to lights out, Devon and Aurora walked Nora downstairs to the common room entrance so she could go back to Ravenclaw tower.

"Goodnight." Nora kissed both Aurora and Devon on the cheek and gave them both a hug.

"Goodnight love." Aurora smiled.

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