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A little over a month has passed its now December.

Devon's fully recovered from her incident. When she finally came back to classes all the Slytherin students and even the other houses started cheering her on she made the best play and best goal of the year.

The weather is chilly now snow falling kids playing and having fun the holidays were coming around and now so was the winter ball.

All the girls are elated, waiting for a boy to ask them to the ball. Many of them already out buying their gowns.

Devon loves the fall and the winter time it's her favorite season and time of the year it's full of joy and love, the things she usually doesn't receive much of from her family.

"So Ro has Draco asked you to the ball yet?" Devon asked her best friend.

"No he has not and I don't think he will." She sighed.

"Well Freddie hasn't asked me to the ball either." Nora sighed but suddenly was hit in the back of the head with a snow ball.

The three turned around to face the culprit. When they turned they saw letters built up by snow. The words spelled out "ball?".

When they looked there he was the tall ginger walking over with a bottle of wine and a small tin of cookies.

"Nor will you go to the ball with me?" He looked at her.

"Of course I will you hottie!" She squealed leaping into his arms.

"Well that sorted its self out real quick." Devon mumbled to Aurora.

"It sure did." Aurora sighed back.

The girls decided to leave Nora alone with Fred so they could reminisce on their little happy moment.

"So how are things with you and Enzo anyways? I know you two had a small disagreement last month has it gotten better?" Aurora sniffled. The cold air is making everyone's noses runny.

"Yeah we're doing good, I still think he's acting a bit off because of my accident. I just don't want it to continue like this I want us to fix our problems not be petty over a dumb disagreement." Devon sighed.

"Yeah I know what you mean. Has Draco by any chance talked to you recently I feel like the more this year comes to an end, the new year is coming close he's getting more and more tense about it but he won't tell me what's going on." They walked into the castle heading towards the library.

"Uh no he hasn't Ro I'm sorry." Devon grimaced.

"It's fine, he just keeps things from me I know he does and he's not super open with me either. He's so stand-offish and it's annoying." She looked over to Devon who was now sitting down opposite of her at the table.

"I'm really sorry I wish I could tell you it gets better but it's Draco he's done this for years he doesn't get close to people." Devon sighs.

"He got close to you." Devon's breath caught in her throat at Aurora's words.

"Uh- that's different Ro we grew up together our mothers are best friends our relationship is different and I hate telling you that because I don't think it's fair but he also has trust issues and he's been hurt by the people he loves the most and I can understand why he's the way he is." Devon sighed as she pulled out her potions textbook.

After they studied they headed to their next class. DADA Class isn't their favorite but Devon is top of the class besides Draco. 

"Hey darling." Enzo stood next to her.

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